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One Year Later

"It's funny, isn't it, the way that things work out?" Meredith asked Derek as they sat on their balcony overlooking the exquisite beach. She settled back into his arms, content and happy.

"I think everything worked out exactly the way it was supposed to, Mrs. Shepherd." She grinned and rolled over so she could face him.

"That's Dr. Shepherd to you, mister." She said, kissing him lightly. He grinned at her, grinned at her until he just started laughing. "What?" she asked.

"It's just, what could make me happier than this?" he asked. "God, Mer, we just got married. And after everything, all of that. We're married." He looked her in the eye for a long time. "Thank you." He whispered.

"For what?" she whispered back.

"For waiting for me." She blinked quickly, trying to keep those tears from coming down. She didn't want to cry on her honeymoon, for God's sake.

"I'd do it all over again." She told him. "Every last second."

"You don't have to." He promised. "There are no more wives, no more surprises."

She frowned, twisted to face him and pouted. "No more surprises?" she said. He kissed her full on the lips that parted to grant his tongue access to her mouth.

"Maybe a few more surprises." He said, pulling away breathlessly. "You know, one or two, to keep it interesting."

She rolled over completely and sat up until she was straddling him. "I think I can keep things interesting without any help from you." She said, reaching for his belt buckle.


A few thousand miles away, Addison Montgomery sat outside of Seattle Grace hospital, waiting for her taxi. Tears streamed down her face, but she couldn't stop them. Facing the chilly night air, she let herself cry. She cried for the woman she had been when she married Derek. She cried for the woman she had been with Mark. She cried for the people Derek and Mark had been back then. She cried for everything that ended.
Tears dripped down onto the plane ticket she held in her first, granting her a first class seat on the plane to Los Angeles. She had thought about going to New York, going back to Mark. But New York would never be the same without Derek and Mark didn't love her, she realized now, he loved the idea of her.

Twenty minutes later, her cab pulled up and Addison was out of tears. She was exhausted, physically and mentally. She turned and took one last long look at Seattle Grace. It felt like seconds ago she had walked in, ready to fight for Derek, ready to go back to the way things were. She realized she had been crying because the way things were had never really been so spectacular.

But she was Addison Forbes Montgomery. She had a whole life in front of her. Her time in Seattle had been for the most part torturous. But she was determined to emerge stronger, better. She would find another practice. She would reconnect with old friends. She would find a way to go on. Without Derek. Without Mark. Because she was just Addison now. Not Addison and Derek, not Addison and anyone, just Addison. And for the first time, she realized that for now, that was enough.


Cristina sighed and pushed the couch into the exact place Derek had specified, reached down and pulled the tiny piece of tape that indicated that was in fact where the couch should go off of the floor. She stood back and wiped sweat off of her face. For the last three days, she and Burke, and George and Callie and Alex and Izzie had all been fixing up the house.
Now, all the furniture was in exactly the right place. All of their possessions were moved. The electronics were hooked up, the fridge was stocked, and dinner was on the table. They were all going to break in the new house together.

"Meredith better be surprised." Cristina muttered.

Derek couldn't help but laugh. He drove quickly, wanting to get there as soon as possible. "Derek!" Meredith whined. "Where are we going? Why am I blindfolded? May I point out to you I was kidnapped a year and half ago. Do you want to induce post traumatic whatever?"

He pulled the car into the driveway, turned it off and hopped out. "No, I do not want to induce post traumatic whatever." He said, opening her door and guiding her out. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "Remember when I said there might be a few more surprises?" He slowly pulled the blindfold off to reveal their home and her friends, all sitting on the front steps.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed. She turned to him. "You bought a house? Seriously?"

"Surprise." He said, grinning. She kissed him full on the lips, pushing her tongue into his mouth. He deepened the kiss and leaned her up against the car.

"Hey!" Burke called. "Dinner's waiting."

Cristina made a face as they all watched their make out session unfold. "Yeah, suddenly, not so hungry." She said. Meredith laughed, breaking the kiss and followed them inside.

She smiled to herself as they gawked over the furniture and the paint and Derek thanked them all. She hugged everyone, even Cristina, and couldn't help but grin. All you had to do was keep your faith.

The End!!

I didn't write this story full credit goes to "Lizzie9" from FanFiction.Net And
Published 2007

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