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Derek paced. They were all just sitting there, at the top of the staircase. Except for Derek who was pacing back and forth in his tux.

Addison couldn't take it anymore. "Derek, would you just sit down?" She asked.

He looked at her like she'd just asked him to have a lobotomy. "No." he said. "No I will not just sit down." He threw his hands in the air. "God, I could throw something."

Addison rolled her eyes as Bailey shot her look that clearly said I told you so. Cristina picked up on the gesture. "Are you bored or something, Dr. Shepherd?"

"Excuse me?" Addison asked.

Cristina smiled tightly. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, or whatever, but my friend's been abducted and you're rolling your eyes like this is all a big waste of your time."

"Enough, Dr. Yang." Chief Webber muttered. Cristina raised her eyebrows at Addison, but she did shut her mouth. Now, lashing of anger at Addison out of the question, she had nothing to do but worry.

"What the hell is taking so long?" Derek muttered. "They're cops, we're doctors. Shouldn't there be some sort of camaraderie?"

George and Cristina looked at Addison, expecting her to have something to say, but she remained silent.

"Richard Webber?" asked a man, flashing a badge and trailing behind Adele, who had presumably showed them where to go.

"That's me." He said, shaking the hands of each officer.

"I'm Detective Norris, and this is my partner Detective Harrison."

"Detectives, I'm Richard Webber, Chief of surgery. These are Doctors Shepherd, Shepherd, Bailey, Yang and O'Malley."

"And Torres." Callie added, slipping into the group besides George.

The officers nodded their greetings. "Relations to Meredith Grey?" Harrison asked.

"We're her friends." Cristina said, indicating herself, George and Callie, without hesitation. Callie would have smiled from feeling so included, had the circumstances been different.

"I'm her surgical resident." Bailey said.

"I'm her.... Friend." Derek said.

Addison sighed loudly. Detective Harrison looked at her. "And you, Dr. Shepherd?"

"I'm his wife." She said, indicating Derek.

"Also a friend?"

"Close as can be." She said dryly.

"Addison!" Derek snapped.

The detectives smirked at each other. "Did she have a boyfriend?"

"McVet." Cristina and George muttered. Detective Norris looked at them strangely. "Uhh, Finn Dandridge." Cristina clarified. "But he was here the whole time."

"Dr. Torres, you're the witness? You'll need to come with us for a few minutes." Callie nodded and followed. Derek and Addison glared at each other. Bailey exchanged pointed looks with her remaining interns.

Addison stood up. "I can't sit here. I'm sorry, I really am. I'm worried about Meredith, and I hope to God she's okay, but I just can't sit here." With that she took off down the hallway. Adele shook her head at Derek and went after her.


Meredith sat in the back seat of the explorer and crossed her arms over her chest. This felt surreal. Almost like she was on her couch with George and Izzie watching this happen on a Law And Order rerun.
The man driving the car looked at her in the rear view mirror. "Scared yet?" he asked her in a tone that was calm, and slightly mocking.

"Let's see." Meredith said. "You pulled me into your car and drove away, and all you can talk about is my ex-boyfriend. I'd say I'm slightly concerned."

"Ex boyfriend that you slept with?" he asked her.

Her jaw dropped. "How did you..."

He smiled. "I've been watching you all very, very carefully."

"Us all?"

"You, Derek, Addison, Preston, Cristina, George. The hot blonde. All of you. I know you all now. I know what tempts you, what you give into."


"Why, Meredith? Why? Because Derek and Addison Shepherd killed my daughter. That's why."

Meredith closed her eyes.


The police reappeared with Callie. "It does sound like an abduction." Detective Norris said. "But, Meredith Grey is an adult. She has certain rights. She can move freely. And from our interview with Dr. Torres, it seems that she may have had a few things to run away from. If we could just speak to her boyfriend..."
"That's me." Finn said, coming up the stairs. "Finn Dandridge."

"Where were you when this happened?"

Finn smiled tightly. "The top of these stairs."

"Can anyone verify that?"

"Dr. Shepherd can."

"He was." Derek said, his tone frigid. He turned to the detectives. "It seems like she had things to run away from, and maybe she did, but if she didn't...." He stopped. "Just do everything you can, please."

The police nodded and walked off with Dr. Webber.

"Shepherd?" Finn asked. "What the hell is this?"

Derek looked down. Finn laughed humorlessly. "You what, slept with her?"

Derek closed his eyes.

Finn threw his hands in the air. "Well that's great."


Adele Webber found Addison Shepherd leaning against an empty exam chair, biting her nails.
"Oh, Addison." She said.

"He loves her, Adele. I know he does. I don't know if he's been sleeping with her, but odds are he's going to. He's insisting he's trying, but.." Addison pressed her lips together, fighting tears. "He loves her, Adele. And he always has."

Adele put a hand on Addison's shoulder, seeing herself, not matter how many years ago it may have been. "Oh, Addie." She murmured. "Listen to me. I know how these things go. I know the Grey women. They're complicated, erratic and mysterious, and that's attractive. But it won't last. At the end of the day, you're his wife."

Addison looked at the older woman. "What are you saying, Adele?"

"Fight for him, baby. Fight hard."


"So your plan is to what, kill me too? An eye for an eye?"
"It's a little more complicated than that. See, Shepherd and his wife? They told me and my wife they could save her. She was premature. Very premature. There was a problem with her brain, further complicated by Addison Shepherd's botched removal."

Meredith bit her lip, knowing where this was going. "So her husband, her knight in shining armor, he tried to fix it, but my daughter died."

He laughed bitterly. "And I came here with a mind to taking Addison. But he's not in love with Addison. This way, I can kill the women Derek's in love with. I won't be able to kill his wife, but finding out he's in love with you, and the death of her husband should be enough."

"You'll never get away with this." Meredith said shakily.

He smiled at her again. "We'll see Dr. Grey."

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