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Seattle Grace
10:23 AM

Richard Webber stood in front of a crowded board, trying to take his mind off the obvious. One of his interns, an intern who was very near to his heart, had been abducted from his hospital, on his watch. Maybe Adele was right. Maybe he really did need to retire.

He felt a presence to his right, and when he turned, he saw Derek Shepherd, staring blankly at the board. Dr. Webber felt a tug in his chest. It was obvious to everyone that Derek was blaming himself, sick with fear and worry and sinking into a self imposed hell.

Up close, it was even worse. His cheeks were sunken in, his eyes were dull and he looked like walking death.

"Take me off the board." He said.


"Meredith called last night. I missed it, so I went to the cops. We waited, and she called back. They traced it to a boat in the harbor. I talked to her."

Shock graced the chief's usually composed face. "And?" he prompted, knowing enough not to ask if she was okay.

"She's alive, at least." Derek said in a strange voice that didn't sound like his. "Sleep deprived, dehydrated and freezing, but alive for now."

"She mention any symptoms?"

"Spiking a fever. Should be getting delusions in a day or so." Derek said. "Now take me off the board."

Webber shook his head. "You can't go after her. It's suicide Derek, you'll both get killed."

He shook his head. "I'm in with the cops. I'm the bait. I get a five minute window for them to surround and secure the boat."

Richard said nothing, but Derek knew what he was thinking. "Richard, I know it's dangerous, but without her..."

Dr. Webber merely nodded and picked up an eraser. "I'll take you off the board."


Her hair was curlier than usual the last time. Her black dress clung to her, but it was her eyes that were haunting him. The last time he had seen her eyes was right here on these steps. He sat at the top of them, wondering how this had happened.
Heels clicked as they hit the tile floor behind him. Addison sat down next to him, her legs crossed at the ankle. "Derek, I've been looking everywhere for you."

"You know I stood here, and watched her run down the steps and out that door, and I just kept standing here?"

She sighed. "Oh, Derek. What could you have done?"

"I knew something was wrong. I could have followed her, stopped him. Saved her. I could have done something other than stand here blinking like an idiot."

"Derek, why are you telling me this?" She asked. "Because if you're sleeping with her..."

He shook his head. "Addison, we, last night..." he mustered up everything he could to give her what he hoped was a charming smile. He didn't add that he hadn't looked her in the eye, or that he was biting his tongue to keep from whispering Meredith's name in the darkness of their trailer.

She smiled back at him. He hated himself. He wanted to tell her. I love Meredith. But he couldn't. She was his wife. "What happened last night? Where were you?" she asked him, her smile fading.

"I went to the police. She called back."

"Jesus." Addison murmured. "Is she okay?"

"What do you think?" Derek snapped at her. "No Addison, she's not okay. She's not sleeping, eating or drinking. She's freezing, and to top it off, she's spiking a fever."

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