Easter Break

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Soooooooo. There I was, Saturday night, about to write for "Discovering the Truth" when I realized, OMG! It's Saturday and I should write for "Second Chance At Saving Them"! Like, whoa, when did Saturday come around again? Like, wasn't it Saturday yesterday or something? Whatever, I won't complain about it, I'm gonna write for this, and then maybe for "Discovering the Truth" which, I still need a cover for... HINT HINT... The question is...

Who is Umbridge's mother?

Answer: Ellen Cracknell


The second weekend of March came and along with it, the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff Quidditch match. Harry wasn't nervous in any way, but Wood was a nervous wreck, demanding his players get plenty of vitamin C and eat healthy to make sure they were all in top shape for the match. It had gotten to the point that Harry was debating getting sick just to spite him. Oliver hadn't let Harry, or any of the others, even touch dessert since the flu outbreak. Sure, a pepper-up potion and a day in the Hospital WIng would cure it, but Wood was not taking any chances when it came to Quidditch. It seemed to pay off though because they had the full team to face off against Hufflepuff's team, which had one replacement Chaser. Not that Wood let that be a factor ("Hufflepuff is usually a Chaser down, they prepare for this type of situation.")

The entire school was in attendance, with the stands evenly split between the two teams. Ravenclaws cheered with the Gryffindors, as a Hufflepuff win would put them into first in the House Cup, while Slytherins cheered with Hufflepuffs because their rivalry with Gryffindor kept them cheering for the Hufflepuffs, even though they'd benefit more from a Gryffindor win, like the Ravenclaw. The match was fiercer than any of the others Harry had played in the past few years, and he and Cedric had both spotted the Snitch three times, but each time it got lost in the throng of Chasers vying for the Quaffle. Harry saw Chasers on both sides score multiple times throughout the game, the score was 130-100 for Gryffindor, and Harry saw the Snitch on the far side of the pitch, but Cedric was closer to it at the moment. He feigned a sighting towards the middle of the pitch, hoping to draw Cedric away from the Snitch, and dove. He noticed Cedric wasn't far behind, just as Harry hoped, Cedric had followed after Harry and away from the Snitch. Harry got closer to the ground than he needed to, but eventually, he pulled up off the ground and shot past Cedric to where he had actually seen the Snitch. Cedric whirled around midair as he realized what Harry had done. He shot after Harry but it was pointless, as Harry was now closer and had the better broom. Harry was within inches of it when he noticed a Bludger coming straight for him out of the corner of his eye. He could tell as soon as he saw it that it was going to hurt. It had probably come from the burly Hufflepuff Beater with a wicked swing. He was tempted to swerve and avoid it, but he was ready to end this game. So he kept his eye on the Snitch and flipped upside down on his broom, still flying forward. He heard and felt the Bludger whiz past his fingers, which were now on the top of his broom, but he kept his eye on the Snitch. He reached forward, and his fingers closed around the Snitch, finally ending the game. He flipped back over and he lowered himself to the ground, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a flurry of people, everyone was pelting him with questions or celebrating their victory, and it took him fifteen minutes to finally make it to the safety of the changing rooms. 

Wood followed him shortly after, along with the rest of his teammates, "That was brilliant Harry! We should start practicing that in drills!"

"Absolutely NOT Oliver. Harry, what were you thinking?" Angelina sounded concerned, frantically checking to make sure he was alright.

"That there was a Bludger heading towards me and I didn't want to lose the Snitch?" He tried, which only prompted Oliver to point out the more reckless than strictly necessary thing he'd done.

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