Third Year Closes

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Ugh, I really hate that I'm always so late, but Easter and musical practice and cousins have consumed me for the past couple days. So I'm late, I'm sorry. Now, the question, and again, leave a comment, even if you aren't the first to answer.

What chapter was Luna introduced into the story?

Also, this is the thirtieth overall chapter! Eep!


Before they knew it, it was the end of term feast. It seemed that not even Dumbledore could find a reason to grant Gryffindor last minute points, which meant that for the first time in many years, Gryffindor finished with the fewest House Points, even with their landslide Quidditch Cup victory. This earned cheers from the entire hall since the other three Houses had tired of Gryffindor's last-minute victories and the Gryffindors were still on a high from the Quidditch Cup (which many of them cared more about). On the other hand, Lupin would not be returning next year for reasons not given, but Harry knew his conscience had finally gotten the best of him. It wasn't ideal since he was easily the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher he'd ever had and probably ever would, but it would open it up for imposter Moody to take the position, which was pretty crucial. In the meantime, Harry was simply enjoying his meal and talking to everyone. Ron and Hermione were sitting next to each other during the meal, though those who cared were so used to this by now that the only ones who commented were the twins asking if Hermione was crazy for the fifth time since Ron and Hermione made it "official".

Harry glanced over at the Ravenclaw table and saw Luna had hardly touched her food. While he certainly wasn't the first to notice the change in her as the end of the year got closer, today seemed particularly bad. So as soon as the feast ended he waved everyone else on and hung back to fall into step with Luna.

"I suppose you want to talk about why I've been so down." It wasn't a question, and Harry couldn't think of a reason to skate around the topic so he nodded.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, but with Ron and Hermione being a couple, it's reminding me of..." Harry nodded, he had become pretty good friends with Rolf in their time, and as strange as it was to not be able to talk to him anymore, he couldn't imagine what Luna was going through.

"Have you talked to him since you tried to find out if he had returned?"

"Nothing beyond class work. He's very different, you know. I suppose we all were when we were young, but I didn't quite know him back then, so it's a new experience."

"Maybe you should try getting to know this one." The two of them had reached an old courtyard and sat.

"Harry," Luna dropped her voice, "I'm forty going on thirteen, and he's still worried about his Charms scores."

Harry nodded slightly, "I know, and I'm not saying you have to start dating or anything, but you need to talk to him. I've known you a long time now, and I can tell this is really bothering you. You're not going to get past this until you talk to him."

Luna sighed, "I've been telling myself the same, but-"

"Luna, talk to him."

Luna sighed in defeat and nodded, before looking to the stars in the sky, "It's strange how much we change. Before, I would have started talking about Blibbering Humdingers and Crumple Horned Snorkacks."

Harry laughed, "Luna, you've changed both the least and the most of all of us. You've discovered two dozen new species, you have an amazing family, and you still end up on the worst dressed list every year."

Luna laughed softly, "I know, I suppose it's just a bit much all at once. I went from being married for fifteen years to being barely an acquaintance of his."

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