Moment of Peace

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I'm sorry about not updating, I didn't even have a chance go on Wattpad over the holidays, besides reading between classes in school. To the point where I had around a hundred sixty plus notifications waiting for me when I finally got on. I'm just glad I got a couple chapters out before that happened. Also, I've decided that Crookshanks will be one of those characters that have always been there, they just haven't been part of the plot.

But anyway.

"Who is Hagrid's mother?"


The rest of the holidays were much more relaxing than Harry remembered, as he already had a vague idea of what he planned to do for the second task, and he had gotten his homework done already.

By the time term started again, Harry was almost on edge without some sort of deadline or challenge looming over him. But when the Daily Prophet article he was expecting come along, Harry noticed that Rita Skeeter had failed to get anything juicy on Hagrid, as her article on the Yule Ball was a few pages in, and didn't even mention the half-giant. It did mention that "Our favorite young hero has managed to charm the heart of young Ginevra Weasley, only daughter and youngest of the Weasley clan." The article itself got less flattering in a later paragraph, with Skeeter mentioning Harry's closeness to both Luna and Hermione, along with Hermione's seeming relationship with Ron and Harry, most likely mentioned due to Hermione's interrupting her eavesdropping.

Harry was expecting a stern letter from Mr. Weasley, and possibly the older Weasley siblings, any day now. But for now, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had to go to Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid had talked to Madame Maxime about using Beauxbatons horses for a lesson or two, and so that was what his classes were doing for the next few days, as the presence of the native French creatures was rare.

This was one creature Harry had very little knowledge of, as his only experience with them had been during the Triwizard Tournament. He, along with everyone else who had returned with him, had noticed that without the disastrous start to his career, Hagrid was a natural teacher. And he knew just about as much as anyone on the subject he taught, as well.


All six of them were sitting in a corner of the library, Ginny was curled up in the crook of Harry's arm, reading over her Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook, while Luna and Rolf poured over Magizoology texts and Hermione and Ron were looking at old Daily Prophet articles that the library had on hand. Some were rather interesting, especially the papers from shortly after the first war.

"Oh, look Harry." Hermione pointed at the article in front of her. "I think this is the first article that mentions you by name. Look, you're already being referred to as "The-Boy-Who-Lived"."

Harry glanced at the article. It seemed to be one of the few articles about him that was more fact than fiction.


A mere two weeks ago, the wizarding world rejoiced as the dark wizard that held our world in a state of war and fear met his downfall. But that is nowhere near the full story. While some of the wizarding world may be content to sit back and simply enjoy the peace, there are those who will warn against such things. Head Auror Alastor Moody had only this to say on the subject, before declining further questions, "You get rid of one dark lord and you open up the field for the next one. Constant vigilance!"

Due to the recent Death Eater trials, new information has come to light that may shed some light on the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the darkest wizard of the modern age. This information, along with several interviews with the first responders to the mysterious explosion in Godric's Hallow the night of You-Know-Who's disappearance creates a picture different than the one we've been told. But now, the truth will be revealed. The house in Godric's Hallow belonged to none other than the Potters, who went into hiding more than two years ago under unknown circumstances. It was there that they welcomed their only son, Harry, into the world. All seemed to be going well, until that fateful night in Godric's Hallow, when You-Know-Who found them.

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