A Full House

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Yay! New chapter! In other news, I've recently become obsessed with Pandora. As for the last chapters question, I was asking what chapter Luna was introduced into this story, but that's ok, I'll give it to ya. The question for this chapter will test your knowledge of this story as well:

What day did the story start, and what day were they transported to?


Later that day, the three of them were drinking lemonade in the Weasley's backyard when Mrs. Weasley came out with a plate of sandwiches for lunch. Ron paused as he went to grab two of them. He knew he had to tell his parents before they picked up Hermione, and figured he might as well get it over with.

"Mum, could I go with dad to pick up Hermione? Her parents wanted to meet me."

"If your father is okay with it. Why do they want to meet you?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she set down the plate for Harry and Ginny.

Ron rubbed the back of his neck, telling her the first time had been bad enough, and she'd been expecting it that time, "Well, uhm, we started dating at the end of th-"

Ron wasn't able to finish his sentence, as his mother had wrapped her arms around her "baby boy" who was just "so grown up!" Harry and Ginny exchanged glances, silently agreeing that they would be telling her through letter while they were safely at Hogwarts.

It took fifteen minutes for Mrs. Weasley to calm down and let him talk, but he managed to convince her that it wasn't anything big, just some hand-holding (she didn't need to know the truth). But she still made a big deal of it when Mr. Weasley came home, and Ron did not miss the look his father gave him that told him he would be having a chat with his father that night. Harry didn't miss it either, so when Ron begged him to sleepover he hastily came up with the excuse that he didn't have his toothbrush, and therefore couldn't possibly sleepover.


The rest of the week went slowly for Ron. If it wasn't Mrs. Weasley gushing over the fact her baby boy (who was now taller than her) was growing up, it was the twins' merciless teasing. But, the week did end and soon, Ron and Mr. Weasley were getting ready to go pick up Hermione. Ron had insisted they wear Muggle clothes, as Hermione's parents were Muggles and they would be going into their house. Mr. Weasley, of course, had no objections to that. Ron silently begged for this meeting to go better than last time he'd first met Hermione's parents when he'd almost got punched in the face. But that was more due to the sudden return of memories than anything Ron had done. Ron took a deep breath and stepped into the fireplace, flooing over to the Grangers (temporarily) connected fireplace.

When Ron stepped out of the Grangers fireplace moments later, he first greeted her parents, shaking their hands, before giving Hermione a small side hug. It didn't take long for Mr. Weasley to notice the television sitting in the corner, he had never seen one and became engrossed in it, examining the buttons and grinning when it flickered to life. Hermione's parents took this as their opportunity to grill Ron on his dating their daughter.

Thankfully, Ron had already gone through this once and knew her parents well enough that he knew what to say. Soon enough, the Weasleys were getting ready to leave with Hermione and the promise that they would be sleeping with five floors and several adults between them.


The first thing Hermione faced when she walked through the door was a face full of red hair, as Ginny wrapped her in a hug. When Ginny finally let go of her, she was greeted warmly by Mrs. Weasley, as usual, but Hermione knew from experience that she was silently judging if she was good enough for Ron. There was no easy way to prove it, not when she was so protective of her children, but Hermione could make it easier on herself.

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