The First Communtication

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So, I decided to be nice, because that was a bit of an older song, and I barely know the song, so I'm doing the chapter, and giving you guys an easier song.

"My head is screaming get a grip, girl, Unless you're dying to cry your heart out"

Answer: Won't Say I'm in Love


By the time Harry's first Hogwarts letter came, he had improved his relationship with both Dudley and Aunt Petunia, though as much as he tried, Uncle Vernon was a lost cause. He always offered to help Aunt Petunia with cooking, cleaning and with the garden, and making friends with Dudley was as easy as staying out of his way when out of the house and offering to be player two at home (also letting him win in these games).

So when the first letter came, as much as he wanted to take it and confront them head-on about his being a wizard, he knew the only way he would make it to Diagon Alley was if Hagrid came and took him, which would only happen if Harry didn't respond to the letter. So he did the same thing he did all those years ago and walked into the kitchen reading his letter. Uncle Vernon took it, showed it to Aunt Petunia and they both started freaking out. They argued for half an hour, gave Harry the bedroom upstairs, and did everything they could to stop the letters from coming, but it all happened anyway, every letter in every device and egg, crazy Uncle Vernon, rocky seaside cottages, with the only exception being Aunt Petunia giving Harry a better blanket and pillow.

He stayed up, counting the seconds on Dudley's watch until Hagrid came and bust down the door, scaring Dudley up off the couch again.

"Couldn't make us a cup o' tea, could yeh? It's not been an easy journey..." Hagrid said in his gruff voice.

Harry chuckled, Hagrid was completely oblivious about his size sometimes. He set about making the tea, while Hagrid pulled out his birthday cake, he thanked Hagrid and offered some to everyone else, though they all refused. After Harry finished his tea, Hagrid started talking about Hogwarts, and since Harry really didn't want Hagrid to give Dudley a pigs tail again, he decided it would be better to confuse the Dursleys with his knowledge of the wizarding world then make them even more hateful towards it. Finally, Hagrid was done talking and they went to bed.

The next morning, they set off for Diagon Alley, this time Harry suggested they walk right through the Leaky Cauldron, to avoid crowds in any stores. It was a feeble excuse, but Harry didn't want to listen to people fawning over him. So, they continued through and stopped by Gringotts.

"Yeh'd be mad ter try an' rob it" Hagrid said as they climbed the steps, and Harry couldn't help but burst out laughing, which he had to quickly turn into a coughing fit to avoid questions. They then got some gold for Harry, then got the Sorcerers Stone. Although, Harry wasn't supposed to know that.

After that, it was time for what Harry thought was going to be his first meeting with Malfoy, he wanted to avoid becoming enemies with him, but it seemed that walking right through had delayed him enough that he only passed Malfoy on the way out of his fitting.

Next stop was Flourish and Blotts, then the Apothacary, and then Hagrid announced he was going to get Harry a gift, an owl. Harry walked into Eeylops and he walked out once again with Hedwig; it was strange seeing her again, but Harry was rather happy that Hedwig had chosen him again. It was then he realized he would be seeing a lot of people that were dead in his time, hopefully he would see most of them before he had before. After that it was time to get his wand, and this, of course, ended up the same. Harry used this to confirm to connection that he knew was present between him and Voldemort in this time.

When Harry got back to the Dursley's, he immediately went up to his bedroom and wrote three letters, it was a bit of a risk, but he was hoping that he wasn't the only one in this predicament. So he gave two of the letters to Hedwig with specific instructions to only deliver them if they recognized her and called her by name.

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