The Truth Comes Out

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Yeah... I have no idea what to name this chapter... so... yeah. My quote to finish is...

"You didn't think it was such a freak's school when you ______________________________."(Lily Potter I)

Answer: wrote to Dumbledore and begged him to take you

"What can I do?" Sirius asked, not questioning the trio.

"We need you to get three things. These things are vitally important to making the future a better place and keep people from dying." Harry said, and Sirius nodded solemnly, "Okay. I need you to go to Grimmauld place, and tell Kreacher to give you Regulus's locket, but be nice about it. Trust me on this, Kreacher makes a great ally. Then, I need you to go to Gringotts and access the Lestrange vault. It should be easy enough since Bellatrix is your cousin, but if not then you might have to get Aurors involved. Tell them you suspect illegal artifacts inside. There, you should find a golden cup with a badger on it, we need that. The last item is in a shack outside of Little Hangleton."

"You mean the old Gaunt Shack? My parents used to talk about them, descendants of Slytherin, I think."

Harry nodded, "In the shack, it's under the floorboards, is a ring. Be careful, there are sure to be all sorts of curses surrounding it. But whatever you do, DON'T put it on. Maybe you should contact Lupin first, get him to go with you, just in case."

Sirius sighed, "Remus was my best friend, next to your dad, and I suspected him of being the traitor. I don't know if he'll forgive me." Harry sat down next to Sirius, while Hermione and Ron sat across from them.

"Sirius, in the time we come from, we met you because you escaped Azkaban." Sirius looked like he wanted to interrupt, but didn't. "After you escaped, you were thinking along the same lines, and there was the fact that Lupin thought you were the traitor. But, after he discovered the truth, you became friends again. Sure, it wasn't the same as before, but he forgave you."

"I escaped Azkaban? That's so cool! But, he really forgave me?" Harry nodded. "Okay. I'll talk to him before I do anything."

Harry smiled and gave Sirius a hug, "Well, we have to go, as much as you don't want to hear it, I would rather stay out of trouble this time around. We certainly had enough of that the first time."

Ron snorted, "Yeah, giant three headed dogs, devils snare, giant wizard chess sets, possible poisoning, Voldemort on the back of Quirrell's head, petrifaction, Basilisks, the Chamber of Secrets, the Triwizard Tournament-"

"We get it Ron." Hermione said, there was honestly way to much and they would be here all day if they talked about all the trouble they got into. He didn't even get to the dragon.

Sirius groaned, "Fine, but I might as well take you to the Common Room, come on." Sirius said, getting up to lead them to Gryffindor Tower. They got there without much trouble, though Harry couldn't help but notice McGonagall roll her eyes when they passed, they probably reminded her of the Marauders.


Sirius joined the kids at the Gryffindor table at breakfast the next morning, he looked worried, but happy.

"Well, I sent a letter to Remus, hopefully he gets it soon and responds. I didn't tell him about... anything, but I told him I wanted to meet up again, and I wanted to talk to him." The trio nodded, they knew they would have to tell Remus, he was the only person who could keep Sirius on track, but it would probably be safer to tell him in person in a private place.

Plus, Harry was sure Dumbledore was monitoring his mail, and by extension Ron, Hermione, and Sirius's, which was why they hadn't contacted Ginny at all. Honestly, they were being very careful when it came to Dumbledore, they all knew that he was doing it for good reasons, but they also knew that some of Dumbledore's plans had backfired, and they were hoping to avoid his interference.

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