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Jimin and Jennie entered the room only to saw Taehyung sitting on the couch with his head buried in his arms. He looks so devastated and the room was messy.

"Taehyung.. What happened?" Jimin and Jennie ran toward him.

"I don't know Jimin. Lisa, she is missing." He broke down in Jimin's arms.

"Don't be like this Taehyung. Nothing will happen to Lisa." Jennie said comforting him.

"Yeah Taehyung. You have to be strong. We together need to save her." Jimin said patting his back comforting.

"Yeah Chim and Jen. I have to find her. I have to be strong. I will not let anyone harm my baby." Taehyung said breaking the hug and stood up.

"What exactly happened?" Jennie asked unclear about the situation.

Taehyung narrated them all the incidents that happened, the phone calls, her screams, everything.

"Taehyung, maybe we can trace the phone number who called you." Jennie suggested an idea.

"Yeah Taehyung-ah that's a good idea." Jimin too agreed.

"Yes it is. Maybe we can seek help from Namjoon Hyung. He's in the police, right?" Taehyung said taking out his phone from his pocket.

"Yeah you call him."


"Okay. Yes Hyung." Taehyung came out ending the call from Namjoon.

"He told us to come to the police station and he will help us." Taehyung said and Jimin and Jennie agreed.

"Yaa Jen, you're not coming." Jimin ordered her.

"Why?" Jennie asked confused.

"We can't risk your life." Jimin worried about his wife.

"Yeah Jen, Jimin is right. I think you should stay her. Its a risky job." Taehyung supported Jimin's decision worrying about his sister.

"Please..let me come with you. I really need to see my Lis. Please Jimin and Tae. I will be careful." Jennie begged folding her hands.

"Okay fine." Jimin said and they both set out for the police station.



"Where is this Elite Restaurant? I haven't heard about this restaurant." Taehyung asked confused as they found out the location of the phone.

"Its an abandoned restaurant located at the south of Seoul." Namjoon said clearing all of their confusions.

"Let's go there" Taehyung said rushing out of the police station with Jimin, Jennie, Namjoon, Jungkook, Rosé, Jin and Jisoo following him.




"This place seems so creepy." Rosé said once they reached the location.

She was right it was a building ready to collapse. It was darkness surrounded everywhere.

"Let's get inside." Taehyung said kicking the door open. All of them rushed inside. Everyone started searching for her everywhere but didn't find her.

"Lisa.. Where are you? Please come back to me." Taehyung was in tears. He couldn't control it.

Everyone felt sad seeing him in this devastated condition and the missing of Lisa.
Jungkook went and hugged him easing his pain.

"Tae.. Be strong man. We will definitely find her." Jin said assuring him.

"Yeah Tae." Jisoo sighed. She was staying strong through all this. She was broken when Jennie told her that Lisa was missing. She quarreled with Jin to let her go with him.

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