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Lisa is not feeling so well past these days. She is being dizzy often and felt unwell.
She vomited few times. Her period was also late, which automatically made questions arise in her.

At last, she decided to find out the truth. She brought a pregnancy test kit and decided to test it when Taehyung is not at home.

They had sex few times after her miscarriage, with and without protection. They hadn't discussed about a baby until now. But she is sure that Taehyung will be more than happy when he find out that he is going to be a father.

She lean on the bathroom wall, her fingers holding a tester with a small screen on it.
She decided to check now, as Taehyung is not at home. She was alone and found it the perfect time.

Lisa took a deep breathe. She opened her eyes and looked at the screen. Her face suddenly became shocked seeing the result.

Two lines, which means she is pregnant.

She covered her mouth in amusement. It was hard for her to believe that she is pregnant again. A big smile crept up to her face and her eyes became teary.

"I am pregnant?" She quietly whispered still in trance.

Her hands crawled to her waist. She hugged it tight as if she was hugging the baby inside her. A big smile formed on her face.

"My baby.." she whispered again, tears flow from her eyes.

"How are you there? I hope you are fine, baby. Please come soon to your mom and dad, okay?" She said as she was talking to the baby.

It was an unexplainable moment for her. Though, she was pregnant once, she didn't experienced this feeling, it happened without her knowledge. So, she felt extremely happy, knowing that she is going to be a mother soon and she is pregnant with Taehyung's baby, the man she love. She felt extremely happy and proud now.

Lisa couldn't wait to tell it to Taehyung. She refused to call him because she wanted to tell it to him in person.




Lisa was patiently waiting for Taehyung. He told her that he will come early today as there is any important works to do. She sat on the couch. She didn't know why she felt nervous suddenly.

"What if he don't want a baby now?" She worried. She knows Taehyung will be happy knowing that she is pregnant, but this question made her restless. But she decided not to tense about it anymore as it is not good for the baby inside her.

"Ding Dong."

The calling bell rang. Her face lighted up knowing it must be Taehyung. She quickly went to open the door.

"Lisa.." He called when she opened the door for him and let him inside.

"Mm.." She replied taking his bag from him.

"I'm tired." He backhugged her.

"Are you?" She asked a he replied with a nod, "Then go and take a shower, you will be okay after that." She caressed his cheek.

"Yeah I guess." He said breaking the hug and went towards their bedroom.

"Come fast. I have something to tell you." Lisa yelled when he climbed up the stairs.




After having dinner, Taehyung was doing some works from their bedroom. He didn't saw Lisa coming inside.

"Taehyung.." Lisa quietly called sitting beside him.

"Yeah." He answered without taking his eyes from the files.

"I have something to tell you." She spoke nervously.

"Yeah tell me." Taehyung diverted his eyes from the files to Lisa.

"I-I -am.." She couldn't complete it. She let out a sigh.

"What happened, baby? Why are you stuttering? Tell me." He tucked her hair which was falling to her face.

"I-I am pr-pregnant." She stuttered and looked at his face to see his reaction. She became nervous again seeing his blank face.

"You what?" Taehyung was in confusion. He thought he heard it wrong.

"I am pregnant." She spoke more loudly than last time.

"Really?" His face broke into a wide smile. Lisa nodded, tears forming in her eyes because of happiness. She calmed down knowing that Taehyung is also happy.

"Thank you baby.." He hugged her tightly, nuzzling his face in her neck. "I'm so happy." He pulled her more closer to him.

Taehyung broke the hug and cupped her face, giving a deep kiss on her forehead. He slowly placed his hands on her waist, where their baby rested.

"Hi baby, I am your dad speaking. How are you there, dear? Come fast soon. We love you." He spoke to the baby. Lisa smiled at him.

Taehyung is always good to babies. She was sure that he will spoil their baby with his love and care, like how he spolied her.

"You will be a good dad." She placed her hand on his which was on her waist. He smiled at her and pulled her closer to him.

"And so do you will be a good mom, baby."

—— ★ ——

Author's Note

Hello friends,

Here's the new chapter. Its a short chapter. I was a little busy last week, so I didn't get time to write more.
Hope you'll be okay with it.

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