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Lisa opened her eyes and quietly stretched her body, waking up from a deep sleep.

"Good morning, baby." Lisa hugged her waist and greeted their baby inside her womb.

She didn't see Taehyung anywhere and guessed he might be awake. Lisa stood up and arranged the bed neatly. She pulled open the curtain and let the sunlight enter the room.
And then she went towards the bathroom to get her morning routine done.

After a while, Lisa came out from shower and saw Taehyung entering the room with a food tray.

"Good morning, Lily.." He went closer to her and knelt down infront of her, so his head was close to her womb, "Good morning, baby.." He kissed her waist as he was kissing the baby inside it.

Lisa chuckled at him and replied, "Good morning.."

"How are you and my baby inside?" He placed a hand on her waist.

"We are fine." Lisa said cutely making Taehyung chuckle.

"Now, come and have your breakfast." He stood up and led her to the food tray.

"Breakfast? You made all of this alone?" Lisa was shocked at him.

She didn't expected him to make breakfast for them. He is a caring husband and had made food for her when she was sick. But now, it was all of a sudden

"Yes, for my babies." He kissed her forehead.

"Babies?" She didn't understood what he meant.

"Yeah, you and the little one inside here." He placed his hand on her waist. Lisa smiled at him.

He always cared and pampered her like a baby, indeed.

"Now have it." He served her the food and watch her eating her food. He likes the way she eat food and looked cute with stuffed mouth.


"Mm" She was busy eating.

"Did you told mom and dad about your pregnancy?" Taehyung asked munching on the food.

"Ani..Not yet." She shaked her head.

"Oh. I called both of our parents and asked if they could come here. So we can tell them about it." Taehyung said. Lisa turned her attention towards him.

"What did they told?"

"Eomma and Appa will come tomorrow and they will be going back after a week. But mom and dad will be coming next week. Mom told they are busy this week and told they will come if it's urgent. But I told it's not, so they will be coming next week." Taehyung said and Lisa nodded.

"When is Eomma and Appa coming?" She asked putting the chopsticks back at the table when she finished eating.

"By tomorrow evening." Taehyung replied.




"Carefully Lis." Taehyung scolded Lisa when he saw her walking down the staircase at a normal speed. But for him, she was walking speedily than a train.. He went towards and held her hands to make sure she didn't fall.

" I was coming down slowly and carefully. Why are you scolding me?" Lisa wrinkled her eyebrows and pouted.

"You were not. You were fast. And it's not good for the baby." He patted her head as if she was a puppy.

"Tae, I was not fast." She argued back.

"Yes, you were." Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest.

"Fine, I was. I'm sorry. I'll be careful next time." Lisa gave up finding there is no point in arguing with him. He have been extra protective after finding out she was pregnant.

"Good girl." He again patted her head.

The Next day

"Eomma..Appa..You came?" Lisa opened the door and saw her in-laws standing there. She quickly hugged them right away.

"Yes Lily..." Both of them hugged her back.

In fact, Taehyung's parents have always treated Lisa like their own daughter. They loved her so much. For Taehyung mom, have always wanted a daughter but didn't got one, so after Taehyung married Lisa, she always cared and loved like her own daughter.

For Lisa, she also loved back her mother and father-in-law very much.

"How are you, Lily?" Mr.Kim asked her.

"I am fine appa. Now both of you come inside." Lisa replied to her dad and opened the door widely for them.

"Where is Taehyung, Lily?" Mrs.Kim didn't spotted her son anywhere inside the house.

"He is upstairs, eomma. I'll call him." Lisa directed both of them to sit on the couch and went to call Taehyung.

Few minutes later Taehyung came down.

"Eomma...Appa.." Taehyung hugged his parents.

"Tae..How are you?"

"Fine eomma." He replied.

"Well, why did you call us and ask to come here?" Mrs. Kim asked. She was worried when Taehyung suddenly called her and asked both of them to come here. She thought something bad happened. But got relieved seeing her son and daughter is fine.

"Eomma..Appa, actually we called you here is because..." Taehyung circled his arms around Lisa, who was standing beside him, "..we have a good news."

"What?" Both of them were comfused.

"Lily is pregnant." Taehyung smiled happily. While his parents were shocked.

"Really Lily?" Mrs. Kim came forward and cupped her cheek.

"Yes eomma." Lisa nodded smiling at her.

"My baby..I'm so happy. I'm going to be a grandmother." Mrs. Kim had tears in her eyes. She placed a warm kiss on Lisa's forehead adoringly, while both of the men stood beside them, smiling.

"Congratulations Taetae and Lily." Mr. Kim hugged both of them being proud and happy.

"Thanks appa."




"Lily, have you gone to the doctor for check up?" Mrs. Kim asked. Both of them were walking through the garden and Lisa had Yeontan in her arms.

"Ne, eomma. We went one time to confirm my pregnancy and doctor told to come for checkups for every month for the first semester." Lisa cradled Yeontan in her arms.

"You should be very careful in the first semester Lily. It is the most sensitive period." Mrs. Kim caressed her hair.

"Yes, Eomma." Lisa felt happy and thankful to have such good people around her. Her mother-in-law was the sweetest. She felt luck to have all of them.

—— ★ ——

Author's Note

Here's the next chapter guys.

Its short but hope you liked it.

Vote, comment and share if you liked it.

And another news.

I am planning to publish a new story today. What is you opinion, sweethearts?❤️

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