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June gaped at Sirius before he started struggling against his hold despite every part of his body protesting in pain.

"Stay still you are hurt." Sirius advised.

June glared at him.

"I don't wanna fuck you," he flatly said.

Sirius blinked before he started laughing, his loud voice booming in the evening air.

[Male lead's favorability point towards June Weng+5 current favorability points : 30%]

"We will change that but for now, we need to take care of your wounds," Sirius said, his eyes still crinkling as he smiled at June.

June wanted to protest but a loud yawn escaped his lips instead. In his drowsy state of mind June realised Sirius was releasing calming pheromones.

"Sleep tight, pup," Sirius mused. June stirred lightly. He rested his cheek against Sirius' chest.

"Do...don't call me that..." June trailed off. He tried to fight the heavy sleep he was feeling but ended up falling asleep in the arms of Sirius.


June woke up with a start and looked around. He found himself on a large bed. He looked around, the room had dark walls and large windows which touched the ceiling and the floor, giving him the view of the city.

The sun was setting and it's burnt orange hues spread all over the room, giving it a warm glow. June rolled himself out of the bed and walked out of the room.

He saw Sirius sitting on a large black couch, reading a book. The sun rays gave the tips of his short hair a red colour and there was a warm hazy glow around him.

Sirius looked up from his book when he sensed June's presence and smiled at him

"You are awake," he said.

June nodded.

"Come eat something," Sirius said and patted on the couch next to him.

June shook his head.

"I just wanna go home," he murmured.

"Are you worried that I am horny?" Sirius asked, his playful voice filling the room.

June glared at him.

"No!" He snapped. June looked away avoiding the intense look he was receiving from Sirius.

"I already owe you for saving me from Kent's gang," June said, " I don't want to owe you anymore favours."

"Well, let me at least take you home," Sirius said, placing his book on the coffee table and standing up.

"I will just walk and catch a bus," June said.

"I really hate the thought of you being alone in the street," Sirius pointed out.

June shrugged, " I am not a little kid."

"Yes, you are not," Sirius mused, "But let me take you home then I won't force my company on you."

June sighed.


Minutes later, June was with Sirius inside his car, which was marked outside June's house.

Just as June was about to open the car door, he turned towards Sirius.

"Thanks for everything today," he muttered.

Sirius grinned.

"I only get a thanks?"

June frowned, "What do you want?"

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