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Today, was the day.

June would feel it.

He had been spending the last two days in the hospital with no improvement and according to his system's countdown, ten months was over.

The body was going to die.

However, June struggled against the growing heaviness. This morning, Ian had promised to come to him with the couple rings he had ordered for their marriage.

[Host, the body's countdown has started. If you don't leave the body in five minutes you will be forcefully ejected from it.]

"Venus, please do something," June pleaded, "I will go willingly once Ian and I exchange our rings."

[I am sorry host but if you do not leave the body the Reapers from Hades Inc. will take you in questioning and sue you, since it is against the protocol.]

June bit his lips, as his eyes filled with tears.

Ian please come fast.

June reached for the book, he had made for Ian and took a pen with shaky hands. He started writing.

Dear Ian,

Being with you has been the happiest moments of my life. I am so glad I decided to be friends with you. I am so glad you kissed me in the library that day. I am so glad you called me a chicken when I refused to date you and bwaked on me just so I can date you.

I am so so glad for everything that had your presence in it.

I wrote this letter to tell you three things.

The first one is that I am in the hospital waiting for you to exchange our wedding rings but if I am already gone by that time. Don't blame yourself. Know that both of us tried out best. Just slip the ring in my finger, I will be there watching you do it. Even though I am not awake.

The second thing, is that once I am gone. Please live your life to the fullest. Don't put up the high walls I had broke instead, go passed those broken boulders and out of your dark forest. Live your life the best way you can. But if you can't it's okay. After all, pain succumbs us to the low. But I could be extremely happy, if  you do move on in your life.

And the last thing is that, I love you.

Oh, Ian I love you so so much.

I love you just like the sun loves the morning sky. I love you so so much. And I hope in my next life, I can again get the chance to love you and only you.

Yours Truly
Your Irritating Twat
June Weng

The pages had already soaked up June's fallen tears and messed up the paper but the letter was readable. With shaky fingers June closed the book and placed a kiss on the cover. It was his only way of leaving his kiss for Ian. He hoped Ian would kiss on it at nights when he go through his letter.

The beeping of the machine seem to grow dimmer and his system voice became louder and clear.

[Preparing for ejection. In 30 seconds.]

June quickly wiped his his eyes. His chest felt tight, he just couldn't breath.

I love you so much, June.June could hear Ian's voice clearly in his mind and his heart ached.

"Venus, please! Let me stay for a little while! I will go as soon as Ian comes please!"  June desperately pleaded.

[I am sorry, host but it is against the rules. 17...16...15]

June choked down a sob. He gripped his pillow tightly and closed his eyes. Underneath his eye lids, those dark opal eyes looked at him.

Ian please hurry up!

On the other hand, Ian had went to the jewelry shop himself, only to find out the workers had misplaced the order. After making some calls they finally found the order and gave Ian his rings.

Ian dashed towards the bus stop ready to head to the hospital. He was feeling extra anxious today. The need to see June had heighten. Ian impatiently tapped his foot against the ground.

Deciding the bus won't come he started running. The City hospital was near he can get there fast, if he ran.

Ian let out hasty apologies whenever he bumped into someone. Soon, the hospital gates came into view and he was even more determined to run fast.

Ian made his way, into the hospital. His lungs felt like they were burning but he would hardly care. He just ran down the hallways towards June's room.

Ian let out a relieved smile when he opened the door to June’s room only to freeze at the sight of June's parents crying by his bedside.

He was too late.

The situation was so cinematic that Ian almost expected, dramatic music to start playing. But this was real life, there was no music. Only the annoying beeping of the machine and the quickening beat of his heart.

And in real life the dead do not come alive.

Ian numbly walked towards June's bedside and flopped down to the floor. With shaking hands he took June's cold hands in his and slipped the ring with Ian's name engraved.

Ian wanted to scream and cry. Claw the floor as he screamed June's name and beg him to come back. But somehow, he felt June was still around. He didn't want June to see him sad. Instead, he kissed the hand, he had been holding and softly murmured.

"The ring looks good on you."

June who had been forcefully ejected from the body, had refused to go to the Space and remain here. He wept as he watched Ian slip the ring in his finger and kiss his hand.

Even though, Ian could not see him. June hugged Ian from behind and placed a soft kiss on the top of his head.

"You can cry, if you want to."

Suddenly, tears flowed down, from Ian's eyes. No matter how much he wiped them away it kept coming.

He finally, let out a painful wail and held June's hand and rocked it like a baby.

"June!" He cried, his voice raw with pain, "Please come, back!"

June wiped his tears and took in a shaky breath.

"Venus, take me to the Space."

[Yes, host.]

Ian's crouched down and crying imagine was the last thing June saw before he fell into the dark space.

It's Ended.

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