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The deafening music became a faint background music as June thought about how to met with the male lead. After breaking up with Clover, he had  wandered inside a random club.

He rested his chin in his hand and frowned. His slender finger circling around the rim of his drink.

Should I go and get a job in his company?

"Tough day, eh?"

June glanced at the man who spoke to him and his lips immediately curled into a smile, when his system notified the man as the male lead of the story– Noah Zhang.

June would not study his face because of the flickering and dimmed lights of the bar. However, he would make out the hallow cheeks and chiseled jawline. Something about the way Noah's voice sounded made June believe that he has a goofy smile pasted on his face.

"I just broke up!" June spoke loudly over the music.

"That sucks man!" Noah slurred as he flung his arms around June. Noah continued, "And I am forced to marry a chick I never met."

June gave Noah a look who thoughtfully added, "Well, her mother forced a date so we met today," Noah gasped, "I am forced to marry a chick I just met! Like four hours ago!"

June laughed at Noah's words. Clearly, Noah was drunk. June raised his glass, "To forced marriages!"

Noah laughed as he also raised his glass and clicked with June's, "To break ups!" he shouted.

Both of them chugged their drinks and looked at each other with wide smiles.

"I am Noah Zang," he said and he held out his hand to shake.

June smiled and returned the handshake. Noah's large hands wrapped around June's. June looked at their joined hands and compared how big Noah's hands were. Or maybe his hand was too small.

"June Weng." he introduced himself.

"What do you do?" Noah asked, bringing his glass towards his lips.

"I am a writer who lacks inspiration," June said with a shrug. He looked at Noah,"What about you?"

Even though Noah was in his suit, he just waved his slender fingers in a dismissive way and said, "My profession doesn't matter."

June smiled slyly,"Being mysterious are we?"

Noah laughed, "Let's play ten questions. But save my profession for the last."

June smiled, "Fine. You go first."

Noah again leaned towards June. His nostrils flared as it took in a whip of  Noah's cologne, "Do you have a car?"

June blinked, "What?"

"Answer me." Noah urged.

"Yes..."June uncertainly answered.

"Good," Noah murmured. He shuffled closer towards June.

June eyed the tool Noah was currently sitting on, secretly waiting for him to topple off his stool because Noah hadn't separated his butt from the stool but seem to lean closer towards him by the second.

Noah's lips brushed against June's ear, startling him. June slapped his hand over his ear and looked at Noah who was completely obviously, and continued talking,"Take me to your place for the night."

June felt his lips go dry, Noah was leaning too close, his forehead was sticking against June's temple.

"Why?" June breathed.

"Is it a question from the game?", Noah asked, as he sipped his drink and flung his arms around June's shoulder.

"Take it that way," June shrugged,"So tell me why you want me to take you to my place?"

"Because," Noah paused, trying to remember why he asked this cute little stranger to take him to his place.

Noah licked his lips as he slowly answered June's question,"I can't go home like this. After the date, I have been drinking here. Dad will kill me."

June pursed his lips trying not to smile. When June walked in the bar he was not expecting to meet the male lead and was definitely not expecting to get close with him this fast. Well, they were not so close. But who would stop them from being close now?

"Fine," June sighed, "I just hope you are not a psychopath drunk serial killer," he stood up and offered his hand for Noah to take.

Despite being drunk,Noah wouldn't help but find the action unbearably cute, June was a head shorter than him and his hand which looked small and frail was offering to hold Noah who was muscular and taller. Noah was sure that if he pretend to stagger and fall, June will fall down with him.

"Excusey me, I hope you are not a serial killer, luring in their innocent drunk victims to their deaths." Noah grinned, as he held June's hand who gave him an eye roll.

Noah slowly got up. He leaned against June lightly, flinging his arms around his shoulder and chuckled when June said in a strained voice, "You are heavy." June's small arm circled around Noah's waist.

Noah grinned, "I work out."

"Don't you have other annoyingly tall and heavy friends who can take you home?" June huffed as they got out of the bar in the cold and crisp autumn air. Noah leaned away from June and smiled, "Better now?"

June looked away and flushed, "You could lean on me if you can't walk."

Noah smiled, "Just take me to your place, I want to rest."


The humming of the car abruptly stopped after June pulled the key from the ignition and looked at Noah, "We are here,"he muttered.

June reached for his seatbelt, "Let's–"

Before, June could complete his sentence, Noah bend and made a noise like a gorilla and vomited.

"My car!" June shrieked as a horrible and sharp stench stung his nose. He watched in horror as Noah finished vomiting. He then laid back to the seat and muttered, "I feel so good now."

"You feel good after puking in my car?", June demanded.

"I–", before Noah could say anything, he again bend and puked but this time some of the sticky liquid landed on his suit jacket.

Why is this man the main lead? June groaned as he got out of his car and helped Noah out.

"Why do you drink if you are gonna throw up?" June mumbled as he guided Noah's arm over his shoulder,  and staggered at the weight.

He was not so heavy before, June thought as he held Noah's waist, careful not to touch the sticky liquid and begin to walk.

The security guard eyed a panting June and a semi conscious Noah, "Good evening, sir,"  he greeted and scrunched his nose at the smell of vomit, Noah was emitting.

June gave the guard a tight lipped smile, "My friend, got dumped," he grunted. The guard nodded with understanding and silently watched as June half dragged and half anything but carried, Noah inside the building.

By the time June reached his apartment he was drenched in his own sweat and was making a funny nosie like a whale.

He dumped Noah on the couch and sat on the floor, wheezing.

Once, he caught his breath, he stood up and looked at Noah. Now that there were no flickering and dimmed lights making it hard for him to look, he studied Noah's face properly.

Noah had slicked back ebony hair with creamy white skin. He had long lashes which formed a deep shadow like an Asian fan under his eyes.

The suit he was wearing hugged his muscles in all the right places. But June narrowed his eyes at the trail of now a dried up vomit on the jacket.

"Let's get you cleaned up first," June sighed.


Ideal date plan?
Vomit in his car!🤮

ʕ/ ·ᴥ·ʔ/

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