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When the doorbell rang, June placed his laptop on the coffee table and opened the door.

A tired looking Noah smiled at June. His usually slicked back dark hair looked messy. His grey eyes looked dull and there were dark circles beneath his eyes.

"Hey," June spoke slowly as he opened the door wider, "What happened? You look terrible."

"I am so tired," Noah muttered as he closed the door behind him. He eyed June's small shoulder and immediately rested his forehead on it.

June stiffen slightly at the contact but then relaxed slowly. He ran his small hand over Noah's back and muttered, "What is it?"

"I hate my work," Noah muttered, he paused, fuck it, he thought, "And I missed you." He added.

He felt June slap his bicep lightly. "Hooligan," June muttered but Noah could almost hear the smile in June's voice.

"You are the hooligan," Noah wisphered huskily, his breath tickling June's neck, "Physically abusing me."

June ignored Noah's accusation, "Why are you here?"

"Can't I come here because I missed you?" Noah said in an annoying voice, sounding like a spoiled child.

June sighed.

"Actually," Noah said his big arms wrapping around June's small waist. June gasped lightly, "I have insomnia and last time I slept like a baby when you were by my side."

"Is this your way of confessing you undying love to me?" June mused.

Noah laughed, his chest rumbling deeply, "Just sleep with me."

"You are not even denying it," June laughed.

Noah tighten his hold around June's waist. He buried himself in June's warmth. Noah wanted to stand there hugging June forever.


June bit his lips, "I need to edit some articles."

Noah finally removed his forehead from June's shoulder to meet his eyes. When he opened his mouth to say something, June bought his hands and cupped Noah's hallow cheeks.

"But you are more important than anything. So, let's get you some sleep right?"

Noah blinked, totally taken off guard when June cupped his face, eyes wide he kept looking at him. When June realised what he did, his cheeks immediately turned red as he quickly removed his hand and avoided Noah's eyes.

"I-I-I", June shuttered but a squeal escaped his lips when Noah picked him up and swinged him over his shoulder, carrying him like a sack of potatoes.

"Give me some sleep."1

[Male lead's favorability point towards June Weng +10 current favorability points: 50]


June woke up to the soft sheets and the bright sun dipping through the curtain gaps. The air was cold but the sun still shone brightly. He felt Noah's big arms around him.

June looked at Noah who was fast asleep, the dark circles under his eyes were gone and he looked so peaceful while sleeping.

June admired Noah's long lashes which him look even more attractive.

After a while, June tried to get up without waking Noah up but he felt the strong arms around him tighten.

"Don't go," Noah murmured, his voice hoarse.

"I will make us some breakfast," June mumbled , he was facing Noah's bare chest. Yesterday, when they were about to sleep, June offered one of his pajamas to Noah but they were too small for him.

"I won't be able to sleep, if you go," Noah said. He opened his strikingly grey eyes and looked at June to prove his point.

June bought his dainty fingers infront of Noah and poked his nose, "I am hungry." Before June would pull his hand away, Noah grabbed June's wrist and smiled mischeviously.

June frowned, "Let me—"Noah pulled June towards him not letting him finish his words. Noah smashed his lips against June's.

June's eyes widen, but when he felt Noah's tongue pushing against his clammed teeth, he opened his teeth, letting Noah's tongue in. He closed his eyes as the kiss deepen and his free hand gripped Noah's hair.

Suddenly, Noah came back to his senses and pulled away from June, breathing hard. He looked at June who was also breathing hard and looking at him with those electric blue eyes. He eyed June's rosy lips which now looked swollen.

Fuck it, Noah thought, throwing away the thought of his engagement which came creeping in his mind when he was kissing June. His slender fingers clasped around June's neck and pulled him, continuing their kiss.

The kiss was full of passion, Noah's tongue kept on teasing June's mouth as he explored tit's warmth. He took in June's taste, Noah silently promised himself he was never going to forget it.

[Male lead's favorability point towards June Weng+5 current favorability points:55%]

June finally pulled away when he felt Noah's hands sliding up his pajama shirt. Breathing heavily, he rested his forehead against Noah's and giggled.

"What?" Noah asked who was also breathing deeply. His voice sounding both raspy and husky, which resonated beautifully in June's ear.

"We didn't brushed our teeth," June giggled again.

Noah blinked.

He felt himself get lost in those eyes which looked like the vast endless ocean and turned into every shade of indigo under different lights.

A small smile laced his lips.

[Male lead's favorability point towards June Weng+15 current favorability points: 70%]


The silence hung heavily between, Noah and June, as they ate their breakfast.

Noah kept on glancing at June but June was avoiding his eyes. Noah pursed his lips, he settled his spoon and cleared his throat.

June didn't looked up.

Noah let out a sigh and then asked the question, he dreaded the answer to, "W...was it a mistake?" he paused, "The kiss?"

June pursed his lips and played with his food, his eyes still on the plate as he answered, "You are going to get engaged and married to someone else. Of course, it was a mistake," he gulped, "The kiss."

Noah licked his lips.

"What if..." He didn't wanted to sound hopeful, but it was already blooming in his chest, "What if I was not going to get engaged? What if there was no Clover Xiao but just us?"

This time June raised his face and looked straight into Noah's grey eyes,"No," he said, his voice genuine and firm, "Our kiss wouldn't be a mistake."

Noah felt his heart skip a beat as he looked into those blue eyes which seem to draw him unintentionally everytime he looked at them.

These feelings he was feeling was so foreign, the constant skipping of his heart, the painful yet delicate squeeze of his chest and the fluttering in his stomach which June caused. And Noah didn't want to dive into the unknown.

He was a businessman he took calculated risk only. But then again, it was June Weng. This beautiful man with sparkling blue eyes.

It felt right.

Everything felt right with June.

Even the unknown.

[Male lead's favorability point towards June Weng+10 current favorability points 80%]

He nodded as he smiled brightly at June.



I am so effing tired.
How are you?

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