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After making their deal, June and Ian were making their way to the class together when a poster in the notice board caught June's attention.

"Ian!" he excitedly called and pulled Ian by his uniform.

Ian stopped walking and turned behind to look at June who was grinning widely and pointing at bright poster.

Ian frowned but leaned towards to read the poster.

To celebrate the pride month, the drama club is going to host a drama.6

It is of a forbidden love between two Lords who disguise themselves as suitor for a lady, only to get closer to each other.

Where civil blood makes, civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal lions of these two foes. A pair of star cross'd lovers are born.

Will Romeo and Jayden make it?

Audition will take place this Friday!

Ian scoffed, "Sounds like a even lousier version of Romeo and Juliet."

"Don't say that!" June argued. He grinned at Ian, "Let's take part!"

Ian looked June like he grew another head.


June pouted.

"Chicken," he muttered.

Ian frowned, "What?"

"You are a chicken. You are chickening out from the play," June said.

Ian shook his head, "No, I just-"

"Bwak," June clucked.

Ian blinked blankly at him before he realized what June was doing.

"Are you serious?" Ian gritted as he glanced around, students were walking through the hallways. Thankfully, no one had witness what was going between him and June.

"Bwaaak", June continued but louder, few students gave him weird looks but June was grinning widely and looking at Ian. He wiggled his eyebrows at him.

Ian let out a silent groan.

"Bwak bwak bwak", June continued, he placed his arms on his hips and began to flap them back and forth, "Bwak Bwak bwaaak!"

"Stop do-"

"Bwak," he clucked on. June began to move his head to and fro in a fast motion, imitating a chicken's head movement.


"I say a bwak bwak bwakity bwak say bwak bwak bwakity bwak", June began to sing in an annoying tune, seemingly enjoying herself. Students were giving them weird looks as they passed. However, June continued to cluck whereas Ian face palm himself.

"Chickens don't sound like-"

"Bwak bwak bwak", June continued.

"Fine!" Ian hissed angrily, "I will take part in the play! Just stop those horrible sound!"

June grinned, as he put down his arms, "I promise you will have a lot of fun."

Ian doubted it.


Friday rolled faster than Ian liked. After classes were over June practically dragged Ian to the audition hall.

Surprisingly, there were a lot of students buzzing around the large room. Most of them were boys who were groaning.

"My girlfriend blackmailed me to this! Why does she even want to see me with another GUY?!"

"True. My sister threatened me to take part in the play."

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