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Ansel swiftly walked through the palace hallway and entered June’s study room unceremoniously.

June was quietly discussing with a student about the new pills they were making. Both of them jolted in surprise when Ansel had barged in the room.

Both of the herbalist bowed to the prince.

“I want to talk with Dr.June alone,” Ansel said, looking at the scrawny boy who quickly nodded and walked out of the room in quick steps.

June looked at Ansel with a waiting face.

“Why do you want to resign?” Ansel asked.

June shrugged.

“I am tired of travelling. I miss my family and I have enough points to retire.”

Ansel nodded. He and June were strangers but they were connected through the H.A which was a big thing. He had no rights to stop June though.

“I understand,” Ansel said with a nod. Both of them stood quietly.

“When will you leave the system?” June asked, to fill in the awkward silence.

Ansel shrugged, “I need to collect some more points. I have failed more than 30 missions.”

June nodded.

“Well, it was nice meeting you,” Ansel said, “I never met any one like me. I just met Tu'er Shen and Cupid everytime I had to submit an apology letter for failing the mission.”

“It was nice meeting you, too,” June smiled, “My resignation letter has been approved so I will be leaving.”

“Ri-right now?” Ansel asked.

June nodded.

“It was approved the moment I sent it but I wanted to met you before that.” June explained.

Ansel nodded, “Well goodbye,” he said.

The both shook their hands.

June smiled.

“Good bye.”

June closed his eyes, “Venus, abort mission.”

[Yes, host.]

June felt himself fall into the dark nothingness again, but this time it would be the last time.

The moment June’s soul left the body. The body collapsed.

Ansel who was still holding the hand grabbed the body quickly.

The body stirred slowly as the original soul entered it. The eyeballs beneath the eyelids moved before it opened. The grey eyes fluttered open.

Ansel knew June Weng had left the body the one he was now holding was the real supporting actor.

June gasped when he saw he was in the crown prince arms.

“Y-your majesty!” he squeaked.

Ansel smirked.

“Well, well, my doctor who is suppose to take care of me is falling sick, how can this do?”

June flushed red but before he could say anything Ansel slipped his arms beneath June’s knees and picked him up.

“You are resting.”

The flustered and nervous doctor would say nothing as he turned red and covered his face.

[Supporting actor’s favorability rate towards Ansel Chu +5 current favorability rate : 35%]

System Venus Book 1 is complete!💃🏻
Follow me for more story in the future. Also do check out Fairytale System, if you haven't.

Loff ya'll.

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