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Thankfully the good luck spells June had cast during the morning had it’s effect. The ambulance was called immediately and Coral was sent to the hospital.

June was hovering over the operation theater casting protection spells. From the corner of his eyes, June saw Seth come in.

The moment they met their eyes Seth looked away.

[Male lead’s favorability rate towards June Weng -10 current favorability rate : 70%]

June frowned.

“Seth did you—"

“Why are you saving her?” Seth asked.

June raised an eyebrow.

“She is my human. It’s my job to protect her,” June replied.

“And her death is my ticket to free myself from the underworld.” Seth gritted.

June looked at Seth with wide eyes.

“What are you saying?”

Seth avoided June’s eyes as he explained what Ciaran had told him.

“So, you are in love with her,” Seth concluded.

June frowned at Seth’s words but said nothing as he was still casting protection spell over Coral. The doctor and nurses were cleaning up her wounds. When he finished casting all the spells. He faced Seth who was still refusing to met his eyes.

“I have told you this before,” June said, “And I will tell this again, as much as you want as long as you want, I will assure you again and again when you become insecure,”

He took Seth’s hands and tried to met his eyes but Seth refused, June continued talking, “Maybe centuries will pass before your insecurities does but in the end if it means you will believe me then I will be patient and wait for that day.”

June lifted Seth’s hand and kissed the finger tips. Seth quietly watched June who slowly raised his eyes to look at him.

“I used to love her but now? Now my heart belongs to you.”

Seth bit his lips as he looked away from June.

“Then let me kill her.”

June let go of Seth’s hand and looked at him in disbelieve.

“Seth! I can’t!”

“If you don’t love her then let me kill her!”


“Don’t you get it? If I kill her I will be free from the underworld that is the condition Ciaran put up!”

“Then he is just trying to trick you!” June yelled back, “I won’t let you kill my human!”

“June! Don’t test me!”

“Seth, I won’t let you kill an innocent human!”

“The day I was born it had been my fate to kill innocent humans!” Seth roared.

“If you kill Coral claiming that it’s for us—” June sucked in a deep breath.

“Then I will disappear from your life.”

Seth who was as frustrated as June, spoke the first words that came scarping up his throat.

“Then go!”

Seth immediately regretted his words. The moment he said that, June blinked in surprise. His sunset eyes suddenly lost their glow.


But June never waited for a reply, he just disappeared leaving a trail of yellow smoke and some of his golden feathers.

Seth slumped down on the floor with a blank face. He quietly gathered June’s feather with shaky hands.

What have he done?


It has been years.

Years since June disappeared from the hospital room. Years since Seth set out to look for him.

After June disappeared Seth didn’t bother to kill Coral. The girl had graduated, got her dream job and married a man from her work place. She was living a good life just like she was meant to.

Seth had cut all ties with Ciaran and went rogue despite his wishes to leave the underworld respectfully.

Seth searched for June everywhere. He tried to ask the angels with whom he met at the Green Point area but no one had any information about June. Soon he found out that June  was house arrested for being with a demon without informing the angels.

Seth was devastated by the news. He decided the best thing to do is wait. Once June was released from his sentence, Seth would search for him again.

Seth was still living in the apartment he had bought June in. The clock was ticking to 2 a.m. He was by the balcony smoking when Hermes appeared with a pop.

“Greetings, master.”

Seth let out humorless laugh.

“I am no longer your master.”

Hermes cleared his throat. He had received Seth’s title after Seth left. Hermes had been serving Seth all his life, no matter what, Seth would always be his master. And Hermes was ever ready to serve him.

“Lady Helianthus, wants to met you.”

Seth rubbed his tired eyes.


“She said it’s about June.”

Seth's mind suddenly became alert. He discarded his cigarette and pushed himself up. He grabbed Hermes by the shoulder.

“Take me to her.”

Minutes later Seth was pacing through the large garden filled with hedges of white roses.

“Mr. Seth.”

Seth whipped his head towards May who was in a chocolate brown dress. Her eyebrows furrowed worriedly at the tired looking Seth.

“Lady Helianthus.”

“Have you heard about June?”

Seth nodded.

“You said you wanted to tell me something about June,” Seth said, coming straight to the topic, “What is it?”

“After your fight, June immediately came to me. He had found out he was getting arrested and the High Court’s knights were coming for him.”  May explained, “And asked me for something I couldn’t refuse him.”

Seth’s chest ached for his lover. June had suffered so much. His mouth left dry.


May took in a deep breath before answering.

“He asked me to erase his memories.”

MSF is coming to an end! 
I am really excited for the next because it's really special to me.

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