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Clover Xiao walked out of the White Sawn hotel after a meeting when a pair of men caught her eyes.

She quickly instructed her assistant to bring the car. When her assistant was out of sight, she took off her shades and looked closely.

Her lips parted in surprise when she saw Noah Zhang in a causal clothing, holding several shopping bags, with the last person she expected–June Weng who was empty handed.

They stood by the bus stop opposite to the White Sawn hotel. June giggled at something Noah said. Clover couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene infront of her.

Her mouth hanged open in shocked when Noah looked around and quickly leaned and pecked June's lips, who turned red and slapped a smug looking Noah's arm.

Seeing her future fiancee with someone else and to top it all, the person was her ex boyfriend, felt like a hard punch in the gut. The grip on her hand bag tighten as she continued to watch the couple.

[Female lead's favorability point towards June Weng -40 current favorability points: 25%]

When June broke up with her, Clover had distracted herself with works. Cried herself to sleep some nights. Felt dead inside as she went about with her days. And as she looked at the couple before her she felt betrayed. How would June do this to her? 15

She watched the man she fell in love with since her teenage years with someone else. They had been together for almost six years and it had hardly been three months that they broke up and he started dating.

With a man.

Her fiancee.

Clover can't afford to jeopardize her marriage with Noah since it will help the Xiao company's branches to spread over sea.

Noah Zang was somebody she couldn't and shouldn't offend. But June was an easy target. A little bit of crying and emotional blackmail would do.

Her trance of thought broke, when her assistant bought the car infront of her, blocking the couple she was staring at.

Clover got inside the car and closed the door with a slam. As the car started moving she took out her phone.

Clover: June, let's meet for one last time.


June and Noah were on the couch with a blanket wrapped around them. It was evening and the sun was setting, June smiled to himself as he listened to Noah's deep breaths. Noah was resting his head on June's lap, sleeping peacefully.

June was still thinking about Clover's text and the favorability points which decreased drastically.

Did she saw us? He thought as he stroked Noah's soft hair.His phone vibrated. Clover had send him a text. She was asking him to meet at the park two blocks away from his apartment building.

June pursed his lips. He has been travelling through space and time for so long that he always felt paranoid whenever he met the female leads after he gets together with the male lead.

They either threaten him to stay away from the male lead, kidnap him, frame him for trying to take advantage of them, poison him or do something horrible. Eventually, some female leads become the antagonist of the story.

Well, June had to face her anyhow, plus he has his system's protection so he was quite safe. He slowly got up from the couch and pressed a kiss on Noah's temple before making his way to put on his shoe.

Just as June closed the apartment door behind him, the empty living room filled with the sound of a notification from Noah's phone.

Noah yawned as he reached for his phone on the coffee table and froze. June was no where to be seen.

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