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[Entering new world. Transferring memories....]

[Mission intro : Host, are about to be a part of the heaven. The male lead— Seth is a demon of the underworld. The female lead— Coral Li is a human.

Seth is assigned to make Coral's life miserable whereas the second male lead who is an angel is assigned to look after her.

However, Seth is creative in his assignments and he takes form of a human and approaches Coral. With his presence near her, Seth makes sure every kind of bad luck befalls her but he soon falls in love with her.

The second male lead has been looking after Coral and her previous incarnation therefore he was already in love with her.

Soon, Coral and Seth are in love with each other. Seth leaves his demon life behind for Coral and they live happily together. As her guardian angel, the second lead keeps on looking after her even if he can't be with her.]

[....complete. Host, your mission is to get 100 % favorability rate from either of the main lead. Good luck, host.]

June opened his eyes and found himself on a bed. Through his new memory he knew it was the room of his body's previous owner.

White sun rays slipped through the spaces of his binds, lighting up the room. June waited for the sleepiness to leave his mind before he dragged himself to the bathroom and cleaned up.

After he was done with everything. He was ready to head for his work. He locked his front door and stood at the porch. Heaven looked just like any normal neighborhood expect there were stray clouds floating about and also angels flying around.

June took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. He felt his wings emerged from his back and his clothes adjust to it. He also heard his halo appear with a pop.

When he opened his eyes, June would make out that his wings were of golden color. He took off.
The breeze carcasses his face softly as he flew over the clouds and the civilian neighborhood. Soon, he reached The Lights.

The Lights was the only place from where angels would travel down to earth for their work.

June followed the usual procedure and signed his name up before getting his pass. After he was done. He walked towards the lift which led all the angels down to earth.

It was still early so the lift was not full. June entered the glass made lift and pressed the button for earth. Through the transparent glass, June would see the blue sky and clouds. He silently stared at them and admired the morning sky. Once he reached earth, June typed the coordinates of the human, he was looking after on his wristwatch.

Every angel were given a wristwatch which came with a map and other useful things which helped an angel look after their human.

Once the coordinates were typed, June started flying towards the blue dot which was of his human's. June slightly furrowed his eyebrows together when he saw a red dot appear next to the blue. Red dot is used to represent a demon.

When June reached the place where his human, the female lead—Coral Li was heading towards college. Right next to her was the demon who was the male lead. He was invisible to human eyes but June would see him clearly just like the demon would see him too.

Seth had long ebony hair which reached over his shoulder, it was tied in a half ponytail. His wings were hidden and he was wearing his usual black demon robes but anyone would say he was naturally tall and muscular.

Seth’s bright red eyes flashed excitedly when he saw the angel fly towards the human girl. He gave the angel a grin which showed off his razor sharp teeth. The grin was as sinister as the excited flash in his eyes. June scowled back and hovered over Coral who was greeting her friends.

"Hello, angel." Seth greeted in his deep voice.

June kept quite as he started to cast good luck spells on Coral. Seth observed June.
Seth silently admired June’s golden wings which matched with his hair and eyes. They were like the sun rays just before it set. Rich and golden. The small stature, the button nose and thin lips did nothing but add to his golden glow. June had porcelain skin which contrasted with his golden hair and eyes.

“Are you a sunflower angel?” Seth asked.

Angels were born every time a flower blooms. The angels got their wings color from the type of flower they were born from. June was born from a sun flower.

June glanced at Seth.

Seth had bright red eyes. The kind of red you see when the first drop of blood escapes the flesh. Red Lily spiders was the first thing, June thought of when he saw those red eyes. Seth’s black horns were tall and sturdy looking as they sprouted on both side of his head. He grinned again, flashing his razor sharp teeth.

June looked away from Seth, “I am.” He answered.

“No wonder,” Seth mused as he stood next to June who was still hovering mid air, “you are beautiful.”

June wouldn’t control the pink tint that spread over his cheeks. He just continue to cast protection spell on Coral.

“It’s useless,” Seth said.
June gave Seth a confused look.
Seth just smirked. Suddenly, his wings sprouted from his back. They were dark and big. A crow’s wing. He flew next to June and gripped his hand, stopping him from casting the protection spell.

“What are you doing?” June demanded. He pulled his hand away from Seth and glared at him.

Seth smirked, his black wings looked bigger and stronger.
“I am a death demon,” Seth said his voice low and husky, “Coral Li is going to die.”

June pulled his hand away from Seth’s hold. He glared at Seth before grabbing Seth’s robe and pulling him close.

They were nose to nose. Seth was still smirking as June glared at him angrily.

“Coral has been my human since she was first born in the Meing Dynasty,” June snarled, “I am her guardian angel and I will protect her. You think I haven’t defeated death demons like you?”

Seth let out a happy laugh.

“Finally, I found someone who is a challenge.”

Seth grabbed the hand, June was holding his robe with.

His scarlet eyes flashed with excitement.

“Oh, you lovely sunflower. I accept your challenge.”

With those words Seth vanished.

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