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The moment June fainted, Ian picked him in a bridal style and marched towards the nurse room. The school nurse was aware of June's health conditions so, she quickly called  June’s parents and sent June to the hospital.

Ian had insisted he was coming. When they reached the hospital, June was immediately laid down on a bed and wheeled away. Ian followed them and waited by the doors of the room June was taken in.

Ian kept looking through the window when loud footsteps approached him.

A man who looked like an older version of June along with a women with blonde flowing hair was approaching.

They looked from the window and let out a sigh.

Morgan noticed Ian by the door and smiled weakly.

"Are you June's classmate?" She asked.

Ian nodded.

Suddenly, Morgan grabbed Ian's hands in hers.

"Tha-thank you so much for helping him," Morgan croaked as she continued to weep.

Lewis held his wife's shoulder with a solemn expression and rubbed soothing circles around her back.

"I did what I had to," Ian mumbled but he cast a worried look at June through the window.

"Auntie!" A familiar voice called.

Ian looked at the direction of the voice and saw Alicia along with a tall boy approach them.

Alicia casted Ian a disdainful expression before turning to Morgan who was crying against Lewis' chest.

"We came as soon as he found out June fainted, how is he?" Alicia asked.

Morgan shook her head and continued crying.

Lewis answered instead.

"We don't know the doctor is still inside."

They waited in silence with Morgan's occasional weeping.

Ian was confused. He had no idea about June's health condition but judging from his mother's reaction it seemed pretty serious.

Ian's hands were already clammy in the presence of unknown people. He silently sat on the cold chair anxiously waiting for the room to open.

Soon, the doctor walked out of the room with a solemn expression.

Morgan stood up and quickly approached the doctor, "How is he, Mark?"

Mark took off his mask, "He is fine but his muscles they..." He trailed off unsure how to say without making his sister more hysterical.

Morgan gripped on her brother's arms, "They what?" She demanded.

"They are failing him, soon he won't be able to walk," Mark concluded.

Alicia gasped and Ian stiffened. Morgan started weeping again and Lewis came to comfort her.

"Ca-can we see him?" Lewis asked.

Mark nodded, "Two visitors at a time."

Lewis and Morgan walked inside the room.

However, Ian's head was spinning. What was June suffering from. Muscle weakness? What diseases will make him loose his ability to walk?

"A-are you Ian Wang?" A boyish voice asked.

Ian looked up and saw the tall boy that had accompanied Alicia. He had blonde hair but his hazel eyes were a dead giveaway to whom he was related. Ian weakly nodded.

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