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What's the use of having an omegaverse au if
there is no heat? 🔥

"When will it start?"

June shrugged even though, he was just talking on the phone.

"No idea, any minute I guess."

"Do you want me to being you something to deal with it?" Sirius asked.

"Well, I could like your company but you can bring me some snacks before the heat starts," June said.

Being an Omega was tough. Omega's heat are very effective. Alphas and Betas are natural seducers but an Omega are able to activate their seductive nature only when they are in heat.

June's heat was approaching soon. Sirius and June had talked that their first time would be only after the heat for the month pass away. Since an Omega in heat doesn't really remember anything during their heats, which ends up making them easy victim too.

"Well, I am already by the area you are in, I—"

June let out a soft moan. The heat had begun.

Omegas who do not have partners yet, were placed in a special confinement areas so, there would be no risk to their safety.

"Pup, I am coming." Sirius assured and hung the phone. He drove his car to the confinement area June was in.

Sirius parked his car and walked towards the confinement area. He signed the papers and was given a visitor's badge.

"This room's occupant already has a visitor, I am afraid you might have to wait for sometime," the receptionist said.

Sirius frowned, June had said that no one was coming to visit him this evening.

"Who is it?" Sirius asked.

The receptionist typed on her computer and leaned at the screen and looked back at Sirius with a baffled look before masking it into an expressionless one.

"Sir, you said you are Mr.Weng's boyfriend?"

Sirius nodded, a little to smugly.

"The one who is visiting Mr.Weng right now also signed himself as Mr.Weng's boyfriend."

Sirius frowned.

"What is the person's name?" Sirius asked.

"Griffin Lan."

"Shit," Sirius muttered. He dashed towards the elevator and pressed the floor number, June's room was in.

Sirius called June but he did not picked up his call.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." Sirius muttered under his breath, while he paced around the elevator.

Sirius knew that Griffin was doing this to mess up with him. However, he was less worried about himself but more about June.

Omegas in heat are extremely vulnerable, they become easy targets and cannot resist the person who are trying to do them harm.

The lift opened with a chime and Sirius dashed through the hallway and looked at the door numbers and pried opened the one with June's number in it.

"Griffin!" Sirius roared at the sight in front of him.

June had one of his feet on Griffin's chest and was trying his best to push him away.

Griffin looked at Sirius his golden eyes shining with lust.

When June got a whiff of Sirius' smell, he turned his head towards his direction and weakly called out his name.

Sirius saw that June had been stripped naked. The thought of somebody harming June, made Sirius grit his teeth. He pushed away those thoughts faraway and dashed towards Griffin to get him away from June.

"Stay the fuck away from him!" Sirius shouted as he pulled Griffin away from June and punched him in the stomach.

Griffin gasped under the impact of the punch and wheeze for breath. He gripped the sides of Sirius' shirt and tried to bring him down to the ground using his own weight but failed when Sirius kneed him in the guts.

Griffin was surprised. He did not expected Sirius to be so overprotective of June. He had thought June was just a fling to Sirius like others werewolves were.

Griffin cursed himself for thinking in middle of a fight when he felt another punch land on the side of his cheek.

He licked the side of his lips tasting the metallic liquid and smirked at Sirius.

"I saw him naked first," he grinned.

The sentence annoyed and angered Sirius to no extend, if June had been willing to Griffin's approaches he could have respected it but Griffin had bad intention towards June and June had never approved any of this.

"Who sent you?" Sirius asked.

Griffin raised an eyebrow.

"You are from a different clan," Sirius said and started walking towards Griffin . Sirius released dark smoke from his body, "You shouldn't be having any information about June's heat."

Griffin's eyes widen when he realised Sirius was using his special powers.

The dark smoke Sirius released read Griffin's mind and began to form it's shape according to his worse fear.

Griffin screamed as he covered his face with shaking hands and scrambled away from Sirius, to a corner.

"Tell me!" Sirius roared.

Sirius never used his special powers because they were too cruel but he was too angry at what Griffin had done to June.

"Hailey Feng!" Griffin screamed, "She gave me the omega's information! It was Hailey Feng! Please get that horrid thing away from me please!"

Sirius looked at the imagine his smoke had created and sighed. The smoke slowly dispersed. Sirius landed another kick on Griffin.

"Get out," he snarled.

Griffin quickly got up and ran out the room closing the door behind him.

Sirius took in a deep breath and walked towards June who was whimpering quietly on the bed this whole time.

The heat had taken a huge toll in his body, his harden member stood erected as he sobbed from the pain.

"Pup?" Sirius softly called.

June opened his eyes and saw Sirius.

"Si-sirius," June whimpered.

"Are you okay, pup?" Sirius asked as he helped June adjust himself on the bed properly.

June's body felt hot against his, and Sirius tried his best not to get his thoughts wayward.

June on the other hand had a completely different plan.

He wrapped his arms around Sirius neck and pulled him down. Sirius stopped his fall by pressing the palm of his hand on either side of the mattress trapping June in between.

"Pup," he said in a warning voice.

"But I want you so bad," June whined.

Sirius bend down and placed a soft kiss on June's lips.

"But this isn't right," Sirius tried to reason.

"Why are you hard then?"

Me warns thy, thereth no smuts.
Forgiveth me sin.
*blew a few spit here and there when I tried speaking it out loud in a Latin accent*

Ik I updated earlier than I said I would but things happened. And I want to do an early publishing of my another book. Hehe.

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