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In a blink of an eye two months had passed, since June and Ian started dating.

Every morning, Ian would catch the morning bus to met June in the hospital and as evening rolled in he would stay with June whistle doing his homework in the hospital room with him.

Alicia and June ended their relationship on a good note and she often visited him too.

Today, was a weekend and June was finally allowed to go home. He had asked Ian to come to his place.

Ian was standing in front of a large mansion and ringed the bell.

A butler opened the door and guided Ian through the staircase and towards a room with huge oak door.

Inside, June was by the window reading. As the butler closed the door behind Ian, June walked towards Ian and kissed him.

Ian smiled against the kiss and wrapped his arms around June's petite waist and pulled him even closer and dominated the kiss.

When the pulled away June was already holding into Ian, breathing heavily.

Ian ran his hands over June's hair and smiled.

"What do you want to do today?"

They spent the day, baking cookies in the kitchen.

As Ian placed the tray of cookies in the oven and stood up, he saw June eating the left over cookie dough from the spoon.

Ian smiled and walked towards June. He placed his hands underneath June's armpit. June let out a gasp when Ian lifted him up and placed him on the kitchen counter.

"I want to eat the dough too," Ian said.

June pouted and shook his head.


Ian shrugged.

June watched Ian with a confused expression as Ian grabbed the bowl they had mixed the cookie dough in and started licking it.

June let out a surprise laugh when Ian finished licking the bowl and wiggled his eyebrows at June.

"Cheater!" June laughed.

Ian placed both of his hands on the side of the counter and trapped June in his arms and leaned towards him.

Knowing what Ian was going to do, June leaned in. Both of them tasted of chocolate.

"Good afternoon!" A loud voice said.

Ian and June jumped in surprise as they pulled away and looked at the entrance of the kitchen.

Jeremy was leaning against the door frame and smirking at them.

"Is the oven on or the kitchen getting too hot?" Jeremy said, in a sing song voice.

June blushed and buried his face against Ian's shoulder. Ian just chuckled lightly and hugged June closer.

After baking cookies and eating them. June and Ian were back in June's room. They laid on the large bed and flipped through the photo album they had got together last Saturday to keep the pictures they had clicked together.

June was sitting on Ian's lap and rested his head on Ian's chest as Ian wrapped his arms around June and held the photo album. Ian flipped the pages as June watched the photo and listened to Ian's heart beat in a rhythm.

"Let's dance," June suddenly said and straighten up and looked Ian excitedly.

Ian smiled at June and light pecked June's forehead.


The stereo was turned on and the slow song filled the room.

Ian pulled June closer and held June's waist as June wrapped his arms around Ian's neck. They moved and spun to the rhythm of the music.

Just as June came spinning into Ian arms, his legs gave out and he fell down with a gasp.

Ian held June before June's knees hit the floor and cushioned his fall.

"Are you alright?"

"I-I can't feel my leg!" June said, his eyes widen as he gripped Ian's arm tightly.

"I can't feel my leg, Ian!"

June tried moving his legs but he couldn't feel them. June started panicking and started hitting his leg.

"Move!" He screamed, tears freely flowed down his cheeks as he kept hitting his legs.

"Move! Move! Move"

June stopped when Ian pulled him against his chest and buried him in his hug. June gripped Ian's hand and cried more loudly, the soft music got drowned by June's cry.

Ian could not find words to comfort June. He just stubbornly hugged June until his voice became hoarse from crying. Ian finally released June from his hug when June's loud cries had turned into small whimpers.

Without a word, Ian picked June up and placed him on the bed. He laid down next to June and both of them hugged each other.

Ian got drowned in June's scent and June in Ian's.

"I feel as helpless as you," Ian slowly said, "But I will always be there for you."

June bit his lips and hugged Ian tighter.

"I-I know," June croaked out.

No more words were exchanged as they hugged each other and soon fell asleep.

"You are making breakfast?"

An older version of Ian turned and grinned at June. His hair still had those curls and his tanned skin seem to have a hazy glow to them as they reflected in the morning sun.

"Morning, love," Ian said and pecked June's lips, "You look handsome."

June scrunched his nose up, "Ew, gross."

Ian widen his eyes in mock surprise, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement and let out a fake gasp.

"But honey we have been married for a decade now! I love you!"

Ian reached for another kiss.

June let Ian kiss him but as Ian pulled away, June scrunched his nose and let out a secretly amused reply.


June woke up, his cheeks were wet with tears, he found himself in Ian's arms and moved closer to him. June pressed his face against Ian's chest and deeply breathed his scent.

"I wish, we could live together, forever." He mumbled and hugged Ian tighter.

Ian who was still sleeping, returned June's tight hug back by nuzzling his nose against June's hair.

"I love you so much, it hurts." June mumbled, "I wish the dream comes true."

Alas, June knew it was not going to be true. His legs had started to fail him.

And it was just the beginning.

The scene felt angsty in my head. 🤷‍♀️
Was it angsty enough?

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