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"Mom, let's have ice cream," June said, jerking his head at the direction of the ice cream van.

"You have been walking for quite a while," Morgan said, she pointed at the nearby bench, "Why don't you sit there? I will bring the ice cream and we can sit and eat."

June nodded and walked towards the bench. He sat down and observed around.

The old owner of the body liked walking around during night time because his sickness would one day take away his ability to walk, therefore he wanted to walk around as much as he can.

June hummed to himself as he watched his mom hold two ice cream cones and walk towards him.

"Thank you!" June sang and reached out to hold the ice cream.

Morgan chuckled lightly and watched her son lick the ice cream.

"Alicia called me last night," Morgan suddenly said.

June raised an eyebrow, "Oh."

"She said you were not hanging out with her anymore is there anything wrong, dear?"

June shrugged, "I know we are in a relationship but I don't feel anything for her."

He thought it would be better to be honest.

"Then you should better break up with her," Morgan said, "there is no point in continuing a relationship that has no love left."

June nodded, "I know but..."

June pursed his lips as he searched for the right words.

"She has done so much for me..."

It was true, Alicia always helped June catch up on his lessons when he wouldn't come to school. She took care of him whenever he fainted in school. She always looked after him. June felt guilty for shutting her out without a valid reason.

Suddenly, a pair of black eyes popped inside his mind.

Well, Ian was a valid reason.

"Being grateful is good," Morgan said, "but just because you owe a person a big favor doesn't mean you drop everything for them, Alicia claim to love you, when someone loves they can do anything for the other person without asking anything back."

"Well, mom there is a guy..."

"Oh?" Morgan raised a curious eyebrow, "Tell me."

"I may or may not..." June winced, he was about to come out to his mother, he was not sure how she would react.

"You like him?" Morgan asked.

June hung is head, and nodded.

"Do you mind?" June asked.

Suddenly, he felt Morgan wrap her arms around him and squeeze him.

"My baby," Morgan squealed.

June laughed and let her hug him. When she pulled away, Morgan gave June a big smile.

"Life is neither too short or long," she ran her hand through June's hair, pushing away his fringe, "and your illness is taking you away from this world faster, I want the best for you, love whoever you want to."

June smiled at his mom and hugged her again.

"But I am scared, mom."

Morgan understood what June meant but even she couldn't find any words to comfort him. June hugged Morgan tighter.

"I am scared that he if he loves me back, I will disappear."


Ian and June were heading to the library when someone called June's name.

June turned behind to see Alicia storming towards them.

“Lia!” June greeted.

“June, what is this?!” Alicia demanded.


“Why are you hanging out with him?” Alicia hissed.

June looked at Ian who already looked bored.

“What’s wrong with me hanging out with him?” June questioned.

“You hardly hang out with us!” Alicia said, “It’s has  almost been two months!”

“We should celebrate our two months of friendship,” June mumbled.

“June, I am really tired of the stun you are pulling!” Alicia said,  “You even stood out on me on our three year anniversary last Sunday!”

Ian looked at June a look of surprise flickering his face. June was the one who begged Ian to hang out with him in the arcade last Sunday. They partially stayed together the whole day.

June shrugged.

“I told you, I cannot come,” June mumbled.

Alicia stormed her foot.

“June, we have been together since we were kids! We promised each other to have our backs! Did you forget everything I have done for you?”

Ian felt June stiffen beside him and cast him a worried look. But June was looking at Alicia.

“If you are gonna start counting favors then I am going,” June coldly said.

Alicia was surprised. Usually, June was easy to guilt trip. She would mention some favors she did to him in the past and he would be ready to do anything for her. She gritted her teeth.

As much as she loved June, she never felt so insecure her whole life just because of a guy.

“It’s me or him,” Alicia declared.

This time June felt Ian stiffen beside him. He looked up at Ian, his face was unreadable but he would say June’s choice will impact him.

Ian was lost in his own thoughts, this at happened before. When his mother made his father choose between their family or his mistress. Ian's father had choose his mistress without a hesitation.

What was he to June? Even though June stayed with him, he never said a kind word to June and always acted cold to him. Will June choose Alicia?

Suddenly, Ian’s eyes widen when he felt a small and soft hand hold his hand and intertwined their fingers.

Ian looked down at the hand and back to  it’s owner. June was smiling softly at him. Ian sucked in a deep breath.

Something inside him clenched painfully but so sweetly. It took everything in Ian to not pull June into a hug. He just looked at June’s  smiling face.

June turned towards Alicia who was as shocked as Ian but her shock was due to the bitter feeling inside her chest.

“I made my choice.” June declared.

“After everything I have done—”

“I will forever be grateful for it,” June cut in, “for what you have done for me but Alicia my choice is clear. I did rather be Ian's friend than your boyfriend.”

When the word boyfriend was mention June gave Ian’s hand a small squeeze.

Alicia was too shocked to say anything just looked between the two of them.

“Now please excuse us,” June smiled and turned away still holding Ian’s hand. Both of them walked away.

Ian looked at June who immediately started talking about the book he wanted to borrow from the library. He didn’t pulled away from his hand and for the first time, he didn’t felt uncomfortable when the students around them gave them funny looks as they watched two guys holding hands and walking.

All Ian could focus on, was the boy in front of him.

Maybe having a friend wasn’t so bad.

[Male lead’s favorability rate towards June Weng +20 current favorability rate 80%]

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