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June felt Noah's arms around him tighten. It was almost afternoon but they were still in bed. June buried himself deeper in Noah's chest, taking in his scent. Noah placed his chin on top of June's head and closed his eyes.

June wouldn't feel his lower body and remembered what happened yesterday. He felt himself go red. Despite the pain, he shuffled slightly, and planted a soft kiss on Noah's lower jaw. Noah hummed contently and he kissed June's head again, his soft hair tickling Noah lightly.

June licked his lips, he knew they were both stalling the conversation they need to have after the incident with Clover. June was thankful that Clover didn't pulled a very dirty trick but he can never be sure.

"Noah?" June spoke his name softly.

Noah pulled June closer and hummed in response.

"You...you know that we have to," June paused as he pushed himself away from Noah's chest and faced him. The low afternoon sunlight made Noah's grey eyes look bright.

"We have to break up." June wisphered.

Noah frowned, "June..." He placed his hand on June's open cheek and rubbed his thumb against the soft cheeks slowly.

June bought up his hand and placed it on top of Noah's and smiled sadly at him, "You will get engaged soon and–"

"Can we not have this conversation?" Noah cut in.

June shook his head, "But we have to."

Noah sighed, "I..." He removed his hand from June's cheek, "I don't want to let you go."

"And you think I want to?" June shot back.

"Then why are we having this conversation?" Noah demanded.

Despite the pain, June got up and looked back at Noah, "Because it's necessary!"

Noah ran his hand through his hair as he also got up, "I can't cancel the engagement."

June blinked.

Both of them looked at each other. The silence was suffocating both of them. In the end Noah's company became a higher priority. Why would it not? He could still find someone else to replace June with his power.

[Host, the mission will be considered as a failure if the main leads get engaged and married.]

"Let's break up," June broke the silence, his voice thick.

Noah opened his mouth to protest but June cut in, "It's hurts to watch you with someone else. I think if we break up now then it will be easier for both of us."

"Babe," Noah wisphered. He moved towards June and cupped his face, "We could still continue..."

June's eyes stung with tears as he looked at Noah, "No. I don't want to be your secret."

Noah bit his lips and opened to say something when June encircled his fingers around his wrist. His blue eyes were filled with determination.

"Noah Zang," June said, his name resonating like a poetry in Noah's ear. "Keep in mind that I will marry you even with a cheapass ring from Walmart, if it means we will be together."

Noah's eyes widen at June's blunt confession. June was now turning red as he avoided Noah's eyes.

Noah's heart was hammering against his rib cage and hoped June heard it so he could know what kind of effect June had on him. Noah's smiled softly as his thumb rubbed across those baby soft cheeks which were now flushed red.

Noah leaned towards June and pressed his forehead against June's. He closed his eyes as he wisphered, "I will remember it forever."

[Male lead's favorability points towards June Weng+15 current favorability points:90%]

June cleared his throat as he racked his eyes over Noah's face who had his eyes still closed, "I-I-I it's Christmas Eve. You told me you have a family dinner, today."

Noah sighed as he reluctantly dropped his hand from June's face, "I will come back tomorrow, let's have a proper talk that time."

June felt Noah's soft lips press against his forehead.

"I love you June," he muttered.

June silently watched Noah get dressed, give him one last smile and walk away.

Just as the apartment door closed, June bought his knees to his chest and hugged himself.

"I love you, too." He muttered in the bright empty room.


Noah gripped the steering wheel tightly, even though he was not driving it. He thought about how cute June looked when he said how he would marry him with a ring from Walmart.

You are not making it easy for me to break up,Noah thought painfully as he rested his head on the steering wheel with a groan but quickly straighten up when he accidentally ended up honking the horn.

His heart was still racing from June's confession. Noah leaned against the head rest and rubbed his face and let out a groan.

He looked out of the window. His mind blanking as June's words keep repeating in his mind.

"I'd marry you with a cheapass ring from Walmart."

Noah bit his lips, stopping himself from smiling like an idiot but there was no way to stop the goofy grin which fought it's way towards Noah's face.

"Ah, my cheeks hurt from smiling too much!" Noah said and rubbed both side of his face trying to ease the smile. But no matter how he tried the smile just ended up coming no matter how hard he tried not to smile.
It's like his facial expression was not in his control.

And again so wasn't his heart.

It belonged to June Weng.

Noah sighed, trying to calm his erratic heart beats. He straightened up and started his car, his thoughts wondering as he thought about June and his words.

Despite all the confusion, deep down Noah knew what to do. Noah knew what he wanted and needed.

He knew.

He knew, he wanted to be with June, forever. He wanted to wake up next to those bright blue eyes and soft kisses. He wanted to see June's soft smiles and be the cause of his happy giggles. He wanted to be with him, till they are grey and old, till they die and maybe even after that.

Noah knew.


— you guys, can leave the questions in this chapter...🌼

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