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Hello everyone!

First of all, I miss you all so much! I miss updating, I miss replying to the comments and everything related to this story.

So I was just wondering to write this up or not. A few of my favourite stories did this and I found it amazing! 

I am going to share some facts about this story. Not something great, but something I felt to write down.

So here we go...

1. The idea of writing to me came overnight. I initially joined Wattpad as a reader of fanfictions and I used to be anticipating something and something else would happen. And it struck to me, why not I write my own story and make those things happen which I wish for? And there my journey started. Now when I look back, I see that I have come so far!

2. The very base plot of this story was first shared with my two besties who then, just encouraged me and said me to go ahead, for me to start somewhere at least. All thanks to them for pushing me! But later I realised what a cliched and non exciting plot I had choosen. Even the first draft was approved by them with all smiles. Later, they joked how childish my writing was. Not in a bad way but in a bffs way which I myself agreed to! I love them anyways!

3. This story was initially planned just till the camping part. Shocking? Ah tell me about it! I spent so many late nights thinking what to do after that. And all of a sudden, this idea pops of their marriage and then honeymoon in my mind. Well, was that successful? Did you guys liked it or felt dragged?

4. Even after the marriage idea popped up, I was pretty blank on what after honeymoon? I just shot the arrow in the dark and one fine day, I got the idea of the big memory regaining scene.

5. Even the ending of this story was undecided. Me and my bestie were sitting one day and I shared my problem with her, discussed the way I want it to be and we eventually reached to this end. By the way, now she loves the way I write and encourages me even more!

6. I was a total amateur writer when I decided to write this story and jumped in with just those things planned which were in my vision for writing. Little did I know that it was a vast ocean. As I explored different stories, I realised what all my story lagged and I have to applaud you all to stick with this story throughout!

7. I used to stress over every little thing I would include for eg., the medical condition of Sharon or what all she might suffer from, the wedding sequence of actually rituals, the honeymoon sequence and their whole tour plan with number of days and places, etc, etc, etc. I would research on every possible thing so much and then later realise that none of those deep or minute details mattered when I wrote the chapter.

8. Do you know that I feel my story is so boring? There are a few scenes or chapters in my story in which I actually Like the work I did there. This was a huge reason I would fall in and out of the writer's block again and again. Like once I got a feedback that it sounded like an ekta kapoor drama and I was like, ewww... I didn't want it to turn out like that. That was a reality check for me and I realised that it is true. I was a teenager when I started this with least knowledge of what actually goes around, so you can expect the immaturity. From then on, I tried not to add unnecessary drama and not to make it more like a daily soap. I hope that came out like I expected.

9. This story was on verge of being put on hold or being discontinued numerous times. There was a point where I just lost all the motivation to write but thanks to you all you beautiful readers! You all kept me going! Your wonderful feedback for even the not so good chapters never let me give up!

10. As I said, there was a point when I lost all the motivation because I felt I don't write good enough. The starting chapters were horrible. I was demotivated very bad but then realised, rome wasn't built in a day. I had to start somewhere someday to publish my book someday in future. *fingers crossed* I hope it happens. Moreover, I didn't want my first work to be left incomplete.

11. I literally grew up with this story, matured mentally while this story was still going on and even improved as a writer on the first hand. Like when I look back at my first draft and now at the last chapter, I feel so worth it all! (It's edited now). With numerous spelling mistakes and grammatical errors to forming some complicated sentences and getting poetic in some places, I have come a long way! Do you guys agree?

12. Never imagined that something this spontaneous and impulsive decision would last for years! I know I know it got dragged a little way too much but I couldn't help it! Managing time between my art, my studies and this story, I somehow managed to pull in all together! I never expected to have made such amazing friends from this very book which I will cherish as long as I can.

13. I am single from my birth and didn't even get a real life crush on anyone till date. Surprising? Well, that I am! Not repulsive to the idea of love but I am just waiting for the mister right! So this whole story is written just on the basis of what I read + what I saw on television and in movies + what I observe. It sounds weird that the most inexperienced person has written a hopeless romantic story.

Never ever even in my dreams had I dreamt that I could be a writer someday. I wasn't even a reader before a few months of starting this story. Life has its own ways to mould you and it surprises you every time it does!


I hope you guys liked this small 'faces update. I might have just rambled everything out there! I wrote my heart out.

Feel free to ask anything you want to in the comments!

PS: By the way, I am working on the next story and I have already started writing the chapters! Hope you guys will get an update of this upcoming one in the next month. *fingers crossed*

Let me know if you enjoyed this small step from my side to open up to you all... Love ya!

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