27. The return of life

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Hello guys!!! How are you all?
I know I had promised double updates, but could write only one and I didn't wanted to delay the update anymore, so I am posting this one...

Well I will not waste your time in this note much, go ahead and read

Please read A/N at the end

Happy reading!


Swayam's POV

"What the hell!!!" Rey yelled, sitting up straight with a start. Rubbing off water from his eyes, he opened to find a grinning me...

"Are you nuts? Who wakes up a person by literally throwing a jar full of water?" He asked shouting at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I am trying to wake you up from past half an hour! If you didn't wake up, I had to do this" I said shrugging placing the empty jar on the side table. Rey took his mobile in hand and his eyes went wide...

"Are you serious dude??? Who wakes up a friend at 6 in the morning! Oh wait, it's not even 6 o'clock yet. No one will be up yet! First of all, we slept so late, due to your so called life story!!! Who does this?" He cried out at me, irritated and pulled the duvet up, to go back to sleep but I caught the duvet firmly.

"I couldn't even have a small nap for the whole night and here, you are sleeping so peacefully! Thank heavens that I didn't disturb you at night." I said striding to the other side of the bed and sitting down, to wear my shoes and hear his groan in return...

"And now, quickly freshen up, because I am taking you on the jog with me..." I said further, getting up and jumping a little on my place, warming up.

"Jog? You are on a trip dude! Just chill!" Rey said, yawning, still on the bed...

"I can't! It's better if you get ready asap or else this time, it will be a bucket of water" I said opening the door of the bathroom, grinning.

"Wait, this is not the usual you, so happy and cheerful... What's wrong or rather I would ask, what's good?" He asked and I literally felt to punch on his face to ask that. Really Rey? You are asking this after what all happened yesterday???

"This is the old me dude, make a habit of this now... And yeah, 5 minutes, I will be waiting in the front yard..." I said smirking to him and he smiled in return. I made my way towards the front door.

The mild hues in the sky, sun beginning to cast it's rays and spread light all over and the cool breeze flowing through shouts a beginning of a new day. New day, new beginnings, new possibilities, new challenges and much more. I am ready to face anything for my love now. I hope everything will be alright as soon as possible and if not, I will make it. I am just waiting to go back to Mumbai now so that I can consult the doctor of Sharon. I have many questions in mind, want to do many things for my love, but before that, I just want to be sure that it's safe for her... I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder and turned to see Rey...

"What are you thinking bro? Let's go?" He asked and I nodded and we started jogging, going out of the main gate. The morning freshness, the breeze, the mild fog, the chirping of birds, the little peak ins of the sunrise from behind the clouds, is giving out so much of positivity...

"Dude! How much more now? Aren't you tired???" Rey suddenly asked, stopping in middle, huffing. I had to stop and turn to him...

"You are a dancer Rey and here, you are out of stamina. You must not be complaining you see" I said and he glared at me...

"Dude, you tell me to dance, I will do it for whole day but jogging is not my thing and we are jogging for last 35 mins, continuously!!!" He whined and I rolled my eyes. Accepting the defeat, we walked upto the nearby tea stall and ordered for two...

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