48. His love

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Heya people!

So here's the next update, since it's Sunday!

Happy reading!


Pia's POV

"I love you." I heard him say making me freeze in my place. There fell a pin drop silence except for our rapid, short breathes which was the result of the kiss. My eyes were still close and I could feel my already fast heart beginning to beat loudly too. I couldn't believe what I heard.

"What?" My voice came out as a whisper. I licked my lips to return the moisture back to them because they seemed really dry. I even gulped the saliva to wet my dry throat. This might be a dream. How is this possible? He pulled out and I felt his hand cupping my cheek, raising my head a little, forcing me to open my eyes and look into the most enchanting ones I have ever seen.

His eyes held so many emotions but the warmth of the feeling of home above all. I noticed that there was a strange shine in them now, making me fall deeper for them. I had never seen him this much vulnerable ever before.

"I love you. I love you so much that I cannot even express. I love you, I love you, I love you, I just love you!" He said with so much of happiness dripping from his voice that I felt my vision blur with my happy tears. His face had a beautiful smile and his eyes held nothing but honesty. I raised my hand to his cheek and caressed it, my tears flowing freely by now.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, gently wiping the tear drops from my cheek. He shook his head left and right to indicate not to cry but an another traitor tear slipped down.

"Say it again please." I requested, brushing my thumb across his light stubble. I don't want this to be a dream. I want to know this is reality and this is actually happening and it's not my hallucination.

"I love you." The words rolled out of his lips so smoothly that I immediately slammed my lips on his. He looked taken aback for a moment but kissed me back. I poured out all my love for him in that kiss because words didn't seem to come out of my throat. We devoured each other's lips again until we both ran out of breath. He is like a drug, his kisses are addictive and I am addicted to them because I felt the need to kiss him again but controlled a little.

"You know you can do it again." I heard Swayam tease as my eyes were still lowered. The next thing I know is he was kissing me again. Damn! I don't want this to end ever. This one was more wild and passionate. He bit my lip a little making me moan through which his tongue explored my mouth making me moan quietly again. He took the control and I let him, returning back the favour with equal passion. We were left breathless, gasping for air when we pulled out.

"I... I can get used to this!" He whispered between his breathes and I felt heat radiating from my cheeks. I looked into his eyes to see a strange flicker of emotion which made my insides tingle. His hand was still holding my neck from behind as he couldn't use the other one. I slowly trailed my hands to his chest only to realise that he was shirtless all this while. Blood rushed to my cheeks again and I immediately pulled my hand away, only to be caught by his hand which was on my neck. He took the hand and kept it back on his chest, but this time on his heart. I could feel his heartbeat which was no slower than mine.

"You feel this? You do this to me whenever you are near me." He said, having his eyes moist and I felt I am the luckiest person on earth to have him as mine. My throat was clogged with so many emotions that I found it hard to even speak a word. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"I love you so much!" He whispered again, this time closing his eyes as if absorbing the feeling of every bit of it and a tear rolled down.

"I... I..." I tried to reply back but words didn't come out. I observed his features and I could see the bags under his eyes and the darkness around them. He looked weak and probably this is because of me. The image of him sitting in the bed with a pale face from earlier today which had made my heart drop flashed in front of my eyes and a feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

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