13. Is this only a game?

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I know that it's too late this time too. I said I would update next day morning, but I am updating now! I am so so sorry for that. Had some issues to solve. But I am back with the next chapter. I hope I guys will enjoy it.

Let's try with inline comments this time? It's fun!

And please do read A/N in the end, it's very important!

(Edited- 25-08-2020)


Swayam's POV

It was like carrying a dancing gunny bag and trying to control it all went in vain. She was continuously blabbering something, jumping up and down, kicking her legs in the air and what not! It was okay at start but now I am getting hell irritated. I stopped abruptly and turned her to face me and shouted,

"Stop it! Will you?" Rey was shocked at my tone of talking.

"Ummm... No!" She said grinning ear to ear. Aagrh! why is she so stubborn, so tough to handle and... and so adorable while drunk?

"Aagrh! What to do with this girl god?" I said purely irritated.

"You can do whatever you want to do with me, my cryptic case!" She said locking her hands around my neck and beautifully smiling at me. But oops! I can't afford to have a sweet moment, even though it means nothing to her. Especially here, in front of 'Rey'. I just glanced towards him and he was looking as if any moment he would love to become a CBI head and investigate deep into her cryptic case i.e none other than me.

I just smiled at him and he buried me more deeper by his gaze. I was thinking of something when it suddenly clicked that I had handled one drunken case earlier too. So I can try and apply same logic!

"Okay, if you say so..." I said carefully removing her hands from me and asked,

"Let's play a game?" Rey raised his eyebrows but she again grinned and nodded.

"Hmm, so what to play? Let me think." I said to her and started brainstorming as I had said to her but I myself haven't thought of anything. Think of something good Swayam. Think!

"Okay, I got it!" she said and jumped in her place.

"And it is?" I asked.

"Let's assume that you both are my kidnappers and I am struggling to get away from you both! What say?" She asked clapping her hands in excitement.

"No!" My reply was faster than the fraction of a second, that shocked my own self. But I couldn't be that. Not again, with some other person and to my dismay, the some other is a similar looking person, more like a twin. I just cannot play that game again, after whatever happened when I played it before because nothing is like it used to be! There's no Sharon! There's no complete love, now it's only mine.

"But why?" She whined like a small kid whose toffee is snatched. She pouted her lips and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"I just cannot play this game. Think of something else." I said this time cold voiced, void of any emotions. Her brows creased and she said,

"But I want to play this! Only this!"
I saw her folding her hands against her chest and looking away. Oh my god! She got angry and now it's more difficult to handle her. Someone please save me! I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by Rey saying,

"What's the problem bro? Afterall taking her down is all that matters right? So just agree." He had a point but it was true only on his part. For me, not only taking her down matters but even a single moment spent with her does effect me, even though it shouldn't. I was not willing to dig a deeper grave for me, so I said,

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