33. The reality hit

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I won't say anything this time, just do share your reviews on this chapter!

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Pia's POV

I felt my head pounding heavily and like I have a mountain on my head. I frowned and tried to open my eyes but couldn't. I was hearing muffled voices around me and I knew I was not alone. I again tried to open my eyes and this time a bright light hit me. I squint my eyes shut immediately.

"Dim the lights, nurse" I heard someone say and I opened my eyes, slowly this time, my eyes are feeling like heavy curtains... I blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light. As soon as my vision got cleared, a white ceiling came into my view. I titled my head sideways to get a shock! None other than Mr. Shekhawat was standing there and I was just staring at him. Is this real? Why is he here? Why does he looks so disheveled with eyes so red and hair all messy? Wait... Where am I? How did I land up here? I looked at other side to see Sid standing there too.

I looked around and that's when I realised that I was in a hospital room, that too with many machines around. A man in a white coat strode to my side and removed the oxygen mask I was wearing and smiled at me.

"How are you feeling Ms. Pia?" The doctor asked.

"My head, it hurts so much!" I said and hissed in pain, when I tried to lift it up.

"Relax relax, it's nothing serious. It will go away in a matter of few hours" doctor said, checking my eyes and pulse.

"You are absolutely fine now. It's good that you woke up so early, everyone were so worried" the doctor said, checking some other things and I was as blank as a white sheet.

"How... How did I come here?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Ohh that, nothing serious Sh... Pia. You were dancing and fainted suddenly. We brought you here and doctor said it was due to your low blood pressure" Swayam said, not meeting my eyes and because I couldn't recall anything that happened other than me dancing and feeling a bit dizzy with some of the flashbacks, I just nodded and accepted it.

"We will be shifting you to one of the rooms soon. Everyone can meet her there" the doctor said to me first and then turned to Swayam. He nodded and I frowned. Who else are here? I suddenly felt very drowsy and my eyes were getting heavy.

"Ms. Pia, you need proper rest now. If you feel sleepy, then sleep off or I will have to give an injection for that. Your brain needs rest" the doctor said turning to me and I nodded, my eyes already half close. Maybe I am drowsy because of the medicines.

"I am sleepy" I said and closed my eyes. In no time, sleep took over me and my vision went black, but not before I felt something soft and wet touch my forehead. I wonder what it was.

I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a few times. The room was dark and the sound of machines around me was not there anymore. There was a small bulb, which was illuminating the whole room in a dim white light. There was a window and when I looked out of it, it looked dark. I averted my gaze to the other side of my bed and gasped.

Swayam was sleeping here, sitting on a stool beside the bed and resting his head on his hands, which are holding mine, facing towards me. The dim light highlighted the features of his face and he looked breathtaking. He looks so much at peace than what I had seen earlier today. I still can recall his disheveled state and it hurt me, to see him like that. But now he was sleeping peacefully with a faint smile on his lips.

A sudden wave of warmth filled within me when I realised that he was indeed here for me, all the time. My heartbeat quickened when I felt his warm breath, falling on my arm under his head. The loose bangs of his hair fell on his forehead, making him look like a cute little teenage boy.

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