39. Shopping Day (part 1)

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Hello people!

First of all, extremely sorry for this all of a sudden, such a huge, unexpected break in the story. But now I am back again!

Happy reading


Swayam's POV

I sighed deeply in content, after yawning. I opened my eyes rubbing them and stared at the roof. God! What a day yesterday was! A goofy smile crept up my lips when I thought of it. I never expected things to turn this way. I never thought of confessing her a part of my feelings so soon, but I did it. My smile widened as I thought of what she replied to my feelings. Afterall Rey was right, she likes me already.

I unconsciously touched my lips, recalling the way she reacted. I never expected her to be so bold so soon, but afterall it's a good sign for me. This kiss was one of the best kisses of my life. I could still feel the feeling of her lips on mine. Damn! It was magical! I closed my eyes and that moment replayed in front of my eyes. Huff! I am missing you Sharon. I so wish you were with me here.

I hugged a pillow in my arms and turned the other side. I was very careful while confessing my feelings afraid that it might freak her out but I am glad that nothing of that sort happened. I was so scared that anything can trigger her, but it didn't. I apologized so many times because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable in any way, but I learnt one thing today, she is not uncomfortable near me. She likes me, trusts me and is okay with our closeness.

I chuckled thinking how she indirectly confessed that she likes my touch and my embrace. I felt so contended at that moment, it felt as if someone just burst many balloons of happiness within me. Yesterday was just so special. I could see my Sharon coming back in her and I couldn't be more happier.

I heard a knock on my door, bringing me out of my trance and I sat up lazily, ordering the person to come in.

"Oh my god Swayam, you are still in bed? God! We have to leave in half an hour, your PA is already here and here you are still in bed!" she shouted seeing me sitting on the bed, still half covered with duvet. I just smiled back at her. She frowned and stopped walking, standing exactly in front of me at the edge of the bed.

"What's with that goofy smile of yours early morning?" She asked, but I could see her controlling her smile too. I just shrugged and removing the duvet from above me, I placed my legs down in order to get up. Mom walked and stood in front of me, folding her hands and raising her eyebrows. I sighed.

"I am just so happy. I can't believe it's actually happening" I replied, smiling and scratching my head a little. She chuckled and hugged me suddenly. I hugged her back too, kissing the side of her head. It's all because of her. I am grateful...

"I am so happy to see that hearty smile on your face after such a long time Swayam... I am so happy" she said after sometime and her voice was heavy. I pulled out and saw that her eyes were little moist. I raised her head and nodded not to cry. She smiled looking at me.

"Leave all these things now, get ready quick! We have to go" she said nicely but then frowned. She then gave me a stern glare.

"Swayam you said no work and your PA presented herself at our door early in the morning! I don't know anything, just no work from today!" Mom warned me, making me gulp.

"No. No work at all. It's just that I have to sign few files. That's it" I said raising my hands in surrender and she turned to go back, but not before narrowing her eyes at me and giving a warning look. I ran my hand through my hair, rubbing my nape. Come on Swayam, you have to rush now.

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