31. Turn of events

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Here is the very early update for the Monday this week as promised. I hope you guys like it.

Do give yours reviews...

Happy reading!


Pia's POV

I froze on the spot. My heart is beating rapidly because of the adrenaline rush and the person in front of me is doing no less in increasing it even more. There he stood in all his glory, wearing his office attire but without his coat. The top 2 buttons of his shirt undone, the sleeves rolled up till his elbows, tie a bit loosened and he was leaning against the wall. Damn! He is looking so hot.

I quickly ran a hand through my uneven hair, patting it tidy and adjusted my clothes. I removed my headphones and turned the music off. I looked up again, to see him looking at me intensely and I cleared my throat to get his attention. He immediately looked at my face, as if out of a trance and I raised my eyebrows to question him but suddenly he started clapping loudly...

"Wow... You never said that you dance so good" Swayam remarked and I fought the blush that was threatening to appear...

"It's nothing like that. I just feel to dance when the music plays" I replied shrugging. I turned my back to him, walking towards my water bottle, in order to find a distraction. He followed behind.

"Well, why don't you join the crew in dancing? You just need to be polished I feel" he asked further and I turned facing him and sipped in water. I gulped a few sips, gathering time to think for the reply. Think of something Pia, think of something!

"Err... I just dance randomly. You know, it's something natural that whenever the music plays, my feet starts tapping all by itself. I don't know the real dance" I replied and looked at him to see him smirking a bit but he quickly hid it by his smile. Damn it makes my heart skip a beat! Please don't give me that smile Swayam!

"From when are you dancing?" He asked and I walked past him, searching for my backpack.

"Actually after my acci..." I quickly gulped the next words, realising what I would blurt out. I covered the pause with my cough and continued,

"Actually, after an act I saw on a TV show. A dance act. Yeah... I think almost 4 years ago" I lied, not meeting his eyes.

"So you dance from 4 years? And you never even mentioned about it. I doubt that anyone even knows that! And moreover, I didn't know that you were dancing daily now, in this studio" Swayam asked again and I rolled my eyes.

"Actually no. I don't dance daily. I did an everyday check on the crew here after the office, as it was on my way back home. Being a manager, I have to keep everything in check. But sometimes I would drop here early and my legs wouldn't keep quite. I just enjoy dancing" I replied back smiling, but frowned later. Why my cryptic case is suddenly so interested in what I do!? Why don't he just stop bugging about my dance? What's going on in his mind?

"But why am I even explaining you? I am not liable to you for anything" I said and turned away thinking what was wrong with me that I was opening up to him and talking so freely about my past and the things I enjoy.

It's true that I don't know why I dance but I just can't control myself when the groovy music fall into my ears. After the trauma, this was one of the ways I would cope up with the attacks and dance would make me feel myself. Music and dance is what helped me to an extent to being normal again. But Swayam doesn't need to know all these things, no one does. I shouldn't open up to him and make myself even more vulnerable than I am already. It's only me who is gathering feelings and I should cut them off, before they start eating me.

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