36. When is the wedding?

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Hey guys!

So here's the next update! And a long one!

Happy reading!


Swayam's POV

I can't say what I am feeling right now. I am the happiest person when I think about the marriage but also the most tensed when I think about feelings of my Sharon. What to do!? I quickly went into my room and looked for my mobile. Finding it on the bedside table, I dialled Rey's number and he picked up at the last ring...

"Hello? Who is it? What is it!? Why are you calling so late at night?" Rey replied from the other end, he sounded irritated and sleepy. I saw time and it was just 12:40 in the night. He slept so early? That's a news.

"I want to meet you right now" I said him, exiting my room and going downstairs.

"What!? Bro it's 12:40 in the night, please no jokes and let me sleep" saying so, he cut the call not allowing me to reply. Shaking my head, I took my car keys and left for his house. After reaching there, I again called him but he didn't pic up. I tried once again and he answered on the fifth ring. God this man...

"Who the hell is this!? Calling again and again in the middle of the night!" He shouted irritated at the other end.

"Open the door, I am in front of your house" I said him calmly, walking towards the door of his bungalow

"What!?" He asked, still sleepy. God! This man and his sleep. He should marry his sleep only, for lifelong undisturbed rest.

"Come open the door right now, I am not joking..." I said him raising my voice a bit and I heard a groan and shuffling sounds from the other side. Finally he got up! After whole 2 minutes of standing in front of his door, I heard the click sound and the door opened. I didn't wanted to ring the bell because his parents might get disturbed. He stood there in his track pants, his mouth half open yawning, hair completely messed up and his one hand rubbing his eye. He looked like a total baby who was forced to get up!

"So you are really here" he said after he looked at me completely and stifled a yawn. How much does this creature sleep? Without saying him anything, I walked past him into his house and sat on the the couch in the living room. He went to the kitchen, poured a glass of water for himself, drank it and took a seat in front of me.

"What is the reason that you have disturbed my beauty sleep so passionately?" Rey asked raising his eyebrows but his eyes looked red. I contemplated on the idea of chatting with him right now. Is he in his complete senses? Should I talk to him or not?

"I swear if this is not important or is one of your self-made problems of life, then I..." He started irritated, seeing no reply from my side but I cut him off saying,

"I am marrying Pia" he immediately stopped his rant and looked at me shocked.

"Come again?" He asked, not believing what I said.

"Pia and me are marrying" I said looking at him this time.

"But why and how?" He asked me frowning and I took a deep breath. I said him everything that happened yesterday and today. I looked up at him after telling everything only to see him smiling at me and frowning at the same time.

"What is that look of?" I asked him.

"I don't understand! You must be the happiest person but here, you are sitting in front of me as if you are about to go to jail for a crime you commited earlier. Why so serious bro?" He asked me and I closed my eyes to control my frustration. Sometimes he understands me when I didn't even utter a word and sometimes, he acts so dumb! Actually I learnt a lesson today, that to never wake this sloth up at night to talk anything serious. His brain doesn't work at all.

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