CHAPTER 1: a mysterious piece of fabric

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This story begins in a world called veld a place where the elves live. a veld Is a place made up of four kingdoms.

Voldena  The kingdom of peace

Elderi the kingdom of liberty

Liveria the kingdom of loyalty

Danixus the kingdom of strength

These kingdoms stood long before you and me and they will fall long after

And now our story begins

~ ~ ~

The rain fell almost in slow motion as Lucian and his father walked through the forest.

Lucian hated this forest he always felt as if he was being watched when he and his father went on their monthly hunting trips. This particular one had not gone well since the beginning, the rain had settled in on the first night and hadn't left, although today it had let up a little and changed from a downpour to a light sprinkle.

Not to mention the fact that not even a single rabbit had crossed their path, meaning they had nothing to bring back home.

"Father ?? " Lucian asked

"What is it, son ??" He asked

"Don't you think it's time to head back ?? We haven't seen a single animal since we ..." Lucian was silenced by his father as he darted off into the forest seeing something.

" FATHER WAIT !!" he called as he tried to catch up. A little too late apparently as his father was already out of sight. Lucian stopped in his tracks as he felt a pair of eyes on his back.

He quickly flipped around drawing his sword. Only to find nothing, whatever was watching him was too quick for him to catch. He took a deep breath relaxing his muscles telling himself it was likely nothing and that the rain was playing tricks on him.

But then from the corner of his eye, he saw something a little piece of silvery fabric poking out from behind the tree. He slowly approached the tree his sword still in hand. Once at the tree he slowly moved himself to the other side to find just what he had before... nothing.

Nothing but a small piece of fabric that had been caught on the tree he looked around slowly hoping to find something, anything finally he gave up deciding to wait for his father he sat down with his back against the tree the large leaves sheltered him from the rain.

Pit pat, pit pat, pit pat the rain hit the leaves overhead. At this moment not realizing it his eyes started to close and his breathing slowed as he slowly drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

~ ~ ~

The sun after showing itself for the first time today had begun to sink lower in the sky as Lucian regained consciousness. His eyes fluttered open and he immediately started looking around for his father. "Father !!" he called out only to receive no response.

Panic began to settle in as he had not yet memorized this area of the forest.
"Father !! " He called again still no response. How could he fall asleep like that?? How careless !! Without his father, he had no way to find his home !!

After calling out a few more times he began wandering the forest in search of his father as the sun fell lower and lower in the sky.

~ ~ ~

Lucian's father also had begun to panic not finding his son anywhere he had assumed Lucian had gone back to camp but there was no trace of him anywhere. "Lucian!! " He shouted the sun was almost gone and the boy was nowhere to be found ... This forest was no place for him to be wandering alone especially after sunset.

"LUCIAN!! " He called with more force. But no sound came. Lucian had not heard him. Had he been so careless as to lose his son, over a mere rabbit ?? The sun had gone down completely now leaving only the moon to give off light.

Having no other option, he packed up the camp and headed home, he would send his best soldiers out into the forest to find him and no one would be returning home without him.

the boy that fell Where stories live. Discover now