chapter 16 : goodbye ?

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Lucian groaned as he woke up to pain coursing through his body .

"Lucian !! You're awake ." Silva rushed to his side .

"Mother ??" He asked

"Yes it's me ,I'm right here ."

"Am... I ...home?"

"No .. your in Danixus ...your friends brought you here ."

"My friends ?? Where are they ?? " He tried to sit up .

"No !! No Lucian don't do that you must stay still..."

She gently  pushed him back down onto the bed.

"They're ok just a little beat up ...would you like to see them ??"

He nodded .

Lucian heard the whole story from elva who was very  careful around him worried he would die at any moment .

Apparently Aderynn had stabbed the witch with Elva's dagger .killing her and breaking the curse . Turns out she had stolen it from the true queen and placed everyone under a curse that prevented them from fighting back the people were so pleased that they gave up their best supplies to help Lucian get healed .

And Drystan too had been saved though he now had a scar running along his cheek where the witch had scratched his face .

As for Mirra she was reunited with her father and she was finally able to leave the walls of the castle although her skin was still covered in light pink scars she couldn't be happier .

Lucian also learned that his mother had come from Liveria with Davina to find Lucian .

"How long have I been asleep ?"he asked

"Two days. We brought you here because it was the safest place we could think of for you to heal ." Esmeray responded as she leaned on the door frame .

"Sorry it's not Liveria it's just that we thought you would die on the road and we didn't ... I didn't .... The point is your safe here . " Elva said ."I should go get more bandages for your leg it's good to change them out every 12 hours ."

She rushed off .

"It's good to have you back Lucy !!" Drystan said patting Lucian's still sore leg .

"Don't call me that ... Ever ."

Esmeray chuckled 

"What's the matter Lucy?? don't like your new nickname ??" She teased

"It doesn't really suit me ."

"Yeah well I hate the nickname Esy but that doesn't stop my family they're very stubborn that way ."

"Why ??"

She paused .

"It's what my father used to call me ."

"Oh sorry I didn't mean ..."

"Oh no your fine I hated him anyway. He was a coward. He left my mother to die in the middle of a battle . It's too bad your father found him ."

"Wait my father  killed him ?!?!"

"Oh yeah !! It was during that big battle we had with you guys after your grandfather tried to kill my mother  ."

"Wait what ?!?! How come my parents never told me any of this . "

"I don't know it's irrelevant now anyways I mean our parents have made up now I guess should get some rest your gonna need your strength for your trip back to Liveria ."

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