chapter 13 : Voldena

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"So what were you and Morana talking about Aderynn ??" Elva asked as she rode alongside her .

Aderynn was silent for a moment before finally speaking up .As if she was choosing what to say very carefully .

"Lucian's situation ,I was just giving her the details on how we had gotten to her kingdom ."

"Is that it ?? " Lucian asked "I mean you were talking for a good amount of time you had to have talked about something else. "

"He has a point I mean you guys also seem to have had quite a past from the way you were talking while we attempted our escape And she did bring up some stupid disagreement between her and the queen of voldena ."

"Wait aren't we headed to Voldena ??"

"We're trying to avoid it as best as we can but yes it's likely we'll end up paying a visit to the peacemakers of veld as kind as they sound I assure you they are anything but.  They hate visitors so it's likely we'll end up dead or dying if we make them feel slightly threatened ."

"It should be simple then if we just conceal our weapons ."

"That won't be enough we have to act like we are simply travelers who seek shelter ,we can't tell them where we are from or they might take it as a threat."

Aderynn looked back at Lucian or behind him anyway . Elva and Lucian didn't bother following her gaze they already knew what she was trying to say . Somebody was following them .
                               ~ ~ ~

The sun was sinking lower in the sky as Lucian elva and Aderynn had finally reached the gates of voldena .

"Who goes there ?!?" A loud voice spoke from atop one of the great walls surrounding the kingdom.

"We are but humble travelers seeking shelter from the cold night . We come before you asking for your help ."Aderynn said

"And where do you come from ??"

Lucian was silent  . How would Aderynn respond ?? Would they let them in ?? If it was so dangerous why were they going in in the first place I mean couldn't they just rough it one more night ?? His mind was flooding with questions but he stayed quiet .

I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this .he thought I mean Aderynn wouldn't put us in danger if she didn't know what she was doing .Would she ??

"We are from the rubble of the fifth kingdom elix we have been surviving off of the forest we have nowhere else to go ."

The fifth kingdom ?!? Aren't there only four ?? I mean that's what Lucian had always been taught anyways .

There was a loud clunk as if something had hit the ground and the shuffle of feet before the door creaked as it slowly began to open .

Once they had entered the door closed.

Lucian noticed that it was quiet inside. Too quiet . Dead quiet .

"From the fifth kingdom ?? "

A thin woman appeared.

"Yes we've been surviving there for months we're on our way to one of the neighboring kingdoms we just seek shelter for one night ."

The woman looked them all over and Lucian was glad his cloak had a hood to cover his face or else she would see the fear that covered it .

"What are your names ?"

"I am adera and these are my friends Ella and Luke. "Aderynn lied

"Hmm." She paused looking them over once more before making a decision."Very well you may stay. however you will leave as soon as the sun shows it's face ."

Aderynn nodded .

The woman clapped her hands and two identical men came to her side "Take these horses to the stables ."

"Yes your majesty " they said in  unison .

"Della take these ...guests to the spare rooms in the east wing."

a young girl came out of  the shadows

"Of course your highness .Follow me ."

She moved stiffly almost as if she was a puppet .Lucian noticed that the guards moved in the same strange way .

Lucian and elva walked side by side .
He could tell this was making her uncomfortable because she kept looking around at everything as if it might attack her .

"Here we are ." The girl stopped and opened the door .

Revealing a large room covered in dust . " Here is the  room for the boy ."

Lucian walked in "thank you "

She didn't respond she just kept walking Aderynn and elva followed behind her elva glanced at him with uncertainty as she was led down the hall .

Once they were gone Lucian closed the door and went to look around .

The room was coated with a fine layer of dust and it smelled ancient . He cracked open a window and heard two guards talking .

"Such a fine morning isn't it captain? ." The shorter one said

"It certainly is Thorne " The other responded

Morning ?!? It was dark outside the sun had just disappeared how could it possibly be a fine morning ??

Lucian felt as if something was wrong here . Like something was out of place . But he couldn't name it .

After exploring the rest of the room and straightening it up a little a maid knocked at the door alerting him that dinner was ready . He followed her to the dining room where elva and Aderynn were already seated at a large table .

He looked at the table and saw that they were serving toast and berries and eggs and all sorts of foods generally eaten at the beginning of the day .

"What a strange meal to eat for dinner" Aderynn spoke up breaking the abnormal silence .

"Yes well I like to change things up every once in a while ." The queen laughed nervously . Her pale skin appeared to be glowing in the light .

"Forgive me for asking but what exactly is your name ??" Lucian asked her

She stared at him almost as if he were a monster . " I don't have one . I don't believe in names . They are just smaller versions of our more necessary titles . Besides it's not as If you would be needing to know anyway unless you were a spy . ... Are you ??"

"What ??"

"Are you a spy ??"

"No no of course not why would I need to spy on you anyway ?!?"

"To learn my secrets ,break the peace ...the precious peace I have fought so hard to keep ."

"I assure you we are not here to break any peace ." Aderynn kicked Lucian's shin . He tried not to Yelp .

The queen glared at Aderynn now . "If you insist . Now dinner is over I have lost my appetite . I'm sure you are tired ,you should all get some rest ."

Lucian was getting tired now that she had mentioned it .

"Yes that's probably for the best ." Aderynn yawned .

Once again they were brought to their rooms and almost immediately after getting there Lucian fell into a deep sleep on the dusty old mattress .

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