chapter 14 : repeat

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"Lucian !!! " Elva whispered as she woke him . He looked up at her his eyes half closed

"Elva what are you doing here ?? It's late you should be asleep "

Elva looked at him worriedly . Lucian was starting to get concerned .

"I can't ."

"Why not ??"

"Because something isn't right here ."

"What do you mean something isn't right ??"

"The maids I can here them talking ."

Lucian stared at her .

"Well yes but that's not exactly strange elva ."

"Your not listening to me !! " She had completely woken him up now "they keep repeating their words almost as if they can't say anything else ."

"What do they say ?"

"The young one whispers about a scandal in Danixus and the other laughs before telling her to hush and clean the floor . It's like they're enchanted ."

Lucian thought for a moment ... "Have you spoken to Aderynn ?? "

"I tried. She thinks it was nothing but I'm sure something is wrong here and I don't like it ."

Lucian was curious about what the maids were repeating or more accurately why they were repeating their words .

He stood up .

"Lucian what are you doing ??"

"I'm curious about something ." He opened the window again and just like before he heard to guards talking they were having the same conversation .

"Such a fine morning isn't it captain?" The shorter one said

"It certainly is Thorne" the other responded

"Elva your right they really are repeating their words. "

"But why ."

"I don't know but I get the feeling something is happening here something bad ."

"Should we get Aderynn up so we should leave ?"

"No ... I think we should stay until morning the queen won't take kindly to us leaving before planned she might think we were spies and order for us to be hunted and killed ."

"So we wait until morning to leave ?"

He nodded .

"But I can't go back to that room I can't sleep there "

"You can stay in here if you want ."

"But where will I sleep ?"

"On the bed . I'll sleep at the end you get the top ."

"Alright I guess that would be ok . Thank you Lucian . "

He smiled at her hoping she could see it in the dark a light blush spread across her face "goodnight !!"she said hurriedly pulling her blanket over her

"Goodnight " he said pulling his own over himself .

~ ~ ~
Drystan and Esmeray were wide awake as they struggled finally finding a way over the wall .

"I thought said we... Would get some inside . " Drystan huffed as he collapsed on the ground exhausted from climbing up the wall .

"Quit crying ...we have to find Lucian and elva . Hopefully they are still alive. if not I blame you ." Esmeray responded

"What !! why me?? "

"Because you insisted on hauling our belongings up with us it would have been a much easier climb If we left them below ."

"They could have been stolen ."

"So what !! If elva and Lucian are dead the least of our worries will be our stolen food .besides our horses are still down there we could've left it with them ."

"Poor horses they could be stolen to !!"

"Then why don't you stay here while i find Lucian and elva .that way you can protect all of our stuff while I do our actual task !!"

"No!! If I stay here someone will find me and rob me !! Why don't you stay your face will be enough to scare everything away !!"

"How dare you !! If I had time to kill you I would but I'm busy doing my job .now if you'll excuse me !!!" She rushed off in a huff . She stopped for a second . "And we have the same face you idiot . " She whisper shouted

"Esmeray don't you dare leave me !! Hold on just a second !!" He rushed after her .

They managed to get inside the palace and they rushed into a hallway being careful not to get caught .

From inside one of the doors hushed voices could be heard .

"I heard she lost her second husband already ,they've only been married for about two months ,love clearly doesn't mean much in Danixus ."

Laughter could be heard .

"They're talking about mother ." Esmeray whispered angrily ."how dare they those ignorant fools don't they know she could take out this entire kingdom with her army ."

"Esmeray be quiet they'll hear you ." Drystan warned .

Esmeray huffed knowing he was right .

"Hush child get back to sweeping ."

They were about to move on when something strange happened .

The conversation began to repeat itself . The same voice said the same thing it had before and again laughter was heard .

"What's happening ??" Drystan asked .

"How should I know ."

"I don't know your the smart one ."

"Obviously ."Esmeray rolled her eyes .

She slowly pushed the door open a little revealing two maids on the other side . They were cleaning but there movements were jerky almost like it was being forced .

"Give me a piece of bread ."

"What ? Why you can't seriously be hungry right now ."

"Just do it ,Drystan now !"

He handed her a small piece of bread which she threw at one of the maids hitting her in the back of the head .

She kept cleaning . " why would you do that ?!? Are you trying to get us caught ??"


"Don't shhhh me !"

"Then stop talking !"

She took another piece of bread bigger this time throwing it harder hitting the maids back . She still had no reaction .

"What ??Did she not feel it ??"

Esmeray began moving inside the room .

"Esmeray ! Get back here your going to get caught !" Drystan panicked .

She walked into the room standing in front of the maids they didn't even look at her they just kept working and talking saying the exact same things .

"I understand now . " Esmeray Said as she touched the maids tied up hair .

"Drystan we must find elva and Lucian quickly we have to get them out of here !"

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