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"Here we are ,stay quiet she doesn't like guests . " Elva spoke quietly Lucian nodded .

They had finally reached elva's friend she lived in a small cottage surrounded by silver tree's and a small creek flowing past .

Elva had just started walking towards the door when Lucian felt a blade pressed against his neck ..a second time

"Elva run inside !! Your being followed !! I'll kill him once I know your safe "

Elva flipped around quickly "Aderynn no !! No he's a friend you can trust him ." Elva spoke desperately trying to calm her friend down .

"What she said " Lucian said trying to catch his breath without his throat being slit .

"Shut up ." Aderynn commanded pressing the blade closer to his throat

"Elva he's one of them ,you know that don't you he'll kill us the second he gets a chance "

"No Aderynn hes not like the others.. I don't think he's lost "

Aderynn was silent .

"Please ada just hear him out if you don't like what he says I'll let you kill him " Lucian wanted to object but he knew he didn't have a choice .

"Very well but I'm taking his weapon " she jerked the sword away from his belt ,and took a few steps back

"What do you want from us ?" She asked placing the tip of her blade to the back of his head .

"I just need help getting home "

"Help? why should we help you after all your kind has done ?"

What had they done ?? Lucian asked himself and what did she mean "your kind" ??

"Because ,Elva promised to help me ."

Lucian could feel her gaze switch to elva . Elva looked back at her before looking at Lucian and switching back again "The sooner he's out the better" elva said in defense

"Fine we'll help you out but I'm keeping your weapon ,and if you even consider double crossing us I will not hesitate to crush your skull understood ?"

"Yes "

Aderynn put her sword away and walked over to elva . Lucian could now make out her looks she had bright red hair that touched her lower back ,and light brown skin , but the most interesting thing about her was her eyes they were gold and silver and black all at once ,they appeared to hold both life and death and although she appeared only a few years  older then elva her eyes told him that she was much older then that .

"Does he have a staring problem ?" Aderynn asked . Lucian quickly looked away as elva let out a laugh .
" Apparently so ."

"Come on ,elva you must be starving I've just made some bread and soup before you arrived ." Aderynn said leading elva inside elva gestured for Lucian to follow .

Once inside a look of confusion crossed Lucian's face it was barren inside except for a small cot in the corner that must've served as a bed and a few other items such as a wooden stool and a short table in the other corner

"Just wait " elva reassured him . "It's not as bad as it looks " Lucian gave a slight nod .

Just then Aderynn pulled up the cot revealing a well-lit staircase leading deep underground "elva"Aderynn said gently pushing elva down
"and ...boy "she said as she motioned for Lucian to go down ,stopping him just before his first step "listen elva might trust you but I don't ,she is the only reason I haven't killed you if you harm her in any way I will end you " she let go of his arm he was sure it would leave a bruise "watch your step ." She told him as she walked down after him pulling the cot behind her .

It almost sounded like a threat .soon Lucian saw a beautiful home with a nice fireplace a pot of soup hung over it ,the rest of the room was beautifully decorated there was a large makeshift bed that looked very comfortable it almost looked better then his back home lanterns were placed allover the room keeping it well lit .

There were comfortable they were draped with wool and they had plump cushions. And there was also a nicely furnished and decorated table near the fireplace four equally beautiful chairs surrounded it one of which elva was sitting in already making herself comfortable .

The smell from the soup wafted through the air and just then did Lucian realize how hungry he truly was .the past 2 days he'd been surviving on nuts and berries which were not very filling "sit" elva instructed .

He obeyed and soon after Aderynn handed him a bowl of hot soup he quickly ate it and thanked her heavily she just nodded and continued eating .

Eventually after the delicious food elva fell asleep leaving Lucian and Aderynn alone . After a few minutes of silence Lucian spoke up " I won't hurt her . Or you I just want to get home but I never much cared to spend time studying the forest I'm embarrassed to admit I don't have a clue where I am or how to get home. "

"If you truly don't intend to hurt either of us and you do eventually manage to get home you will stop entering the forest and hunting the animals ,many creatures who live here are now endangered thanks to you elves and your selfish ways " Aderynn said bitterly .

"Which ones ?, I haven't heard of many endangered species ,well not in this forest anyway . Could you name one?? Not to be rude I'm just genuinely curious "

Aderynn sighed and leaned in inches from his face" well for one ...dragons"

the boy that fell Where stories live. Discover now