chapter8: missing

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16 years ago :

Davina smiled as she held her baby for the first time

she was very lucky that the head maid was willing to help her hide all of this if anyone in the palace found out about this who knew what would happen

"Davina " a familiar voice said "my love!! " she spoke noticing Darien in the door way . His facial expression showed that he wasn't pleased "what is it ??"

Darien sighed before walking over to her . "May I ?" She smiled as she handed him the baby .

"Isn't she lovely ?" She asked he didn't respond instead he just stared at the tiny creature .

"I haven't yet decided a name for her I figured we could do it together since ..."

"You cannot keep it ." He interrupted confusion crossed her face

"What do you mean ??"

"Davina neither of us is capable of raising a child .which means we have to dispose of it "

"I can I will raise her ,I won't get caught I promise ..please Darien "

"No you can't you don't have a choice here "

"She is my child and I will not abandon her "

"Davina ,I'm sorry this is my fault I shouldn't of let this happen ."

" What are you saying "

"This has to end Davina ,all of it " he said as he stood up, the baby still in his arms

"Give me my baby ."

He looked at her sorrowfully "I'm sorry "

"Darien ,give me my baby ."

He shook his head before quickly walking out the door

"Darian !!" She called out as she tried to stand and follow him her body was still too weak and she just collapsed on the floor sobbing


"it's gone !!" Elva shrieked searching the ground around her and waking Lucian from his sleep .

"What is ?" Aderynn asked apparently Elvas shrieking had woken her up as well .

"My dagger it was attached to my belt"
She said panicking

"maybe you left it with the bags and the rest of our gear ." Lucian suggested

"Let's go check !!"elva said as she began running back . Lucian groaned but got up to follow Her Aderynn took a bit of convincing but eventually she got up as well .
"It's not here!!" elva said digging through her bag . "Well maybe you lost it somewhere . Why does it matter anyway ?? It's just a dagger " Lucian said elva and Aderynn both turned to look at him .

Had he said something wrong ?? Elva glared at him.

" maybe it is just a dagger but even so ,no one is helping you back to your  Liveria until it's found so I suggest you start helping me look farmboy !! " She spat

Aderynn chuckled ."best get to looking farmboy " she mimicked. Lucian frowned this was going to take forever and he missed his parents . His mother's hugs ,his father's terrible jokes and loud laugh and even Davina's rambling about how he behaved .

"Hey ...Aderynn ?? " Lucian asked as they searched through all the sticks and leaves on the ground "yes ...farmboy? "

That was going to get old "what's so important about this dagger ??" Aderynn paused to think for a moment . "It was the only thing she had when we found her . She was just a baby then ,she was alone and didn't have anyone so we took her in ."

"We?" He questioned

"My husband and I "

He was shocked "you have a husband ??!?"

"Had , he's ..."she paused " I ..shouldnt be telling you this . Get back to searching" she said walking off .leaving Lucian confused .

                                ~ ~ ~
"Your highness I've brought you your tea . " Davina said getting the attention of Silva as she stared blankly out the window .

"Thank you ,won't you join me ?"

"I'm afraid I can't your majesty I have plenty of work that needs done ."

"That can wait I would like to enjoy tea with my friend right now . Is that to much to ask ?? "

"Your friend ?"

"That's what I said isn't it ?"

"Your majesty of this is about the other night I offer you my sincerest apologies it was not appropriate for me to act that way especially in the presence of your royal highness" she apologized

"Davina ,you don't need to apologize ,you needed someone to talk to and you had no one "

"Your majesty I - "

"Silva "

"I cannot -"

"Davina please you can't keep all your feelings welled up all the time it's not healthy ,besides that I need someone to speak with as well my husband refuses to listen ."

Davina couldn't help but smile at the queen and her offer of friendship something she hadn't had In a while ...a long while

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