chapter 12: right again

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"Safe travels !!" Esmeray called to them as they rode off .

"Drystan go get your horse ."Morana said as soon as they had passed a bend in the tree's .

"Yes mother" he said running off

"Emy you and your brother need to follow them ,they're heading to Voldena for tonight ."

"I don't understand .What's wrong with that?? Isn't Voldena the kingdom of peace ??"

"It is ,However their queen is not trustworthy She will do anything to keep the peace she has . She sees them not as guests but as  intruders Voldena has never been a welcoming kingdom and I doubt it  ever will be " 

"So you want us to what ?? Guard them ?? "

"No you will not intervene unless it is absolutely necessary. I have a friend who will let you into the walls of the castle but you must stay hidden. "

"Esmeray if anything happens to Lucian or that girl that was with him we will suffer for it .He was last heard of on danixus Territory and Cassian is not so forgiving when it comes to his son ."

"I see, So we are to protect him ."

Morana nodded . Just then Drystan came back around leading two beautiful horses behind him .

"But mother what if we are caught ?"

"You won't be. I have faith in you ...both of you ."she took her children into her arms tightly sealing them in her embrace .

"Now go. "

With that they took off behind the others .

"They grow so fast ."

"Indeed they do."

Morana flipped around to see her  guards with tears in their eyes .

"Get back to work !!" She said walking back into her castle through the large metal doors .

"Yes ma'am" the guards said in unison straightening up .

                                ~ ~ ~
"So you couldn't find him ?" Queen  Silva asked the recently returned king as she paced the floor of the parlour

"I know where he is I just can't help him ."

"Why not ??" 

"Darien wouldn't let me .He put a blade to my throat threatening to kill me if I went any further ."

"Why would you allow him to do. that ?!?"

"Because he was right to do so !! I almost allowed myself to go into Danixus Territory . Where I vowed to never set foot in again "

She scoffed  "So your pride is more important then our son ?!? You truly are a coward ."

Cassian slammed his fist onto the table "How dare you accuse me of being a coward !! I am a king and I deserve respect for protecting my kingdom and the people I care for"

"And I suppose your son isn't among those people !? "

Hearing these words  Cassian became angry he struck her across the face causing her to steady  herself with the table .

Realizing what he had done he instantly regretted it .

"Silva .."

"You are not the man I married ."she said bitterly as she straightened herself up her hand clutching her face .

She walked to the door pulling it open. a concerned Davina sat on the other side . "Your majesty are you  alright ?? " She asked worriedly

"I'm alright . "

"Let me help you ."

"Thank you Davina "

Darien walked in as Silva walked out looking her dead in the eyes .

The door closed as Silva walked away she heard yelling from inside .

                                 ~ ~ ~
"I can't understand how he could do something like this ." Davina said as she rubbed ointment onto the queen's face .

"It is Darien . He has him wrapped around his finger ."

... Davina stayed silent .

"He is in pain Davina ,our son is missing and he can't help him .I am in no way justifying his actions ,but I cannot stay angry with him ."

Her eyes had begun to water .

"What am I supposed to do ?I cannot just sit here well my husband is hurting and my son is missing ."

Tears started to fall .

"Then don't ."

Her  eyes widened as she looked up at Davina .

"What are you saying ."

"As your maid it is my job to look after you . But as your ..friend it is my job to guide you ."

Silva was confused as ever .

"What I'm saying is go find him.  I overheard your conversation earlier with his majesty. If what he said is true about Lucian being in  Danixus Territory you should go find him and bring him home ."

"That's just it . How am I supposed to go into Danixus Territory after the events with... "

"Queen Morana is stubborn but she would never harm a child even if that child is from a traitorous kingdom ... Not to speak ill of Liveria  " she corrected herself ."I just don't agree with the way we betrayed her trust. "

"Davina .. what your saying is you want me ... The queen of Liveria to go out into the forest , March into Danixus territory ,and demand queen Morana to give me my son . When she could easily kill me at any point in time not to mention the fact that she has the largest army in all of Veld at her command and she could easily use it to wipe Liveria off of all the maps . "

"I apologize if I'm out of line your majesty I just don't want you to lose your son the way that I lost my daughter ."

"Thank you Davina ." The queen rose to her feet "Go prepare the horses I'll get changed into something more suitable for our adventure ."

"Your majesty ... Won't you only be needing one horse ??"

"Not if you are to be joining me ."

"But I ..."

"Are you declining my offer ??"

"No of course not your majesty I'll have them prepared within the hour ."

Davina rushed off . The queen stared at herself in the mirror her face still showing a slight red mark . She sighed

"Soon Lucian ,everything will be right again ."


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