chapter 11:company

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"So you were lost in the forest ?? "Drystan asked

"He's already told you that three times already !!" Esmeray responded before Lucian had a chance

"Well yeah, but I was just making sure I mean he could be lying you know ."

"Who would lie about that ?? I mean we found him sleeping in a cave what kind of royalty chooses to sleep in a cave ?"

"Royalty ??" Elva asked "I thought you said you were a farmer . ?"

"No, I said my father was a farmer ."

"But isn't that still lying ?!? I mean your father is a king isn't he ??" Drystan asked

"Yes he is, I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you would react I mean you could've killed me at any moment and I didn't know if I could trust you so I ..." Lucian panicked

Elva laughed "It's fine Lucian I mean I wouldn't have trusted me either. Besides, I knew you were lying anyway "

"Wait what!! You already knew !! How ??"
Itss kind of obvious " esmeray chimed in "I mean no farmer could afford a sword like the one that you have, It's rare to find something that no commoner could afford. Especially since the handle is made out of gold.Not to mention the fact that it was made to fit your hand, So you couldn't have just stumbled upon it ."

Lucian stared at her "Stop staring like that it's creepy. "she said blocking her face

"Right ?!?" Elva asked, "he's a total creep ."

"I am not !!"Lucian said "I'm just impressed I mean it seems like you know your swords I've never met a girl so interested in weapons before "

"Oh yeah, emy is a total freak when it comes to blades she's like obsessed or something. Especially with daggers,s she has a cool silver one. She says it's one of a kind she picked it off some guy when they were checking out some willows just shy of our territory ." Drystan told

"With a diamond in the handle ?!?"
Elva asked excitedly

"Yeah, how did you know ??"

"That's mine !! I lost it a few days ago "

"What?? No, it isn't. I took it off some guy outside of our territory you guys were inside our Territory ."

"Let me see it "

"Fine but I promise it's not yours ."

Esmeray stood up pulling a dagger out of a hidden pocket in the side of her dress.

Sure enough, it was an exact copy of the one Elva had.

"It is mine !! I've been looking all over for it "

"But how could you even get something like this ?"

Just then Aderynn and Morana came into the dining room
"What's happening here ?" Morana asked

"She's saying this dagger is hers ."

" It is mine my father gave it to me when I was a baby "

"Let me have a look ."

Once in her hands, Morana looked over its details carefully and her eyes went wide with shock she looked over at Aderynn who just nodded.

"If she says it's hers then it's hers give it to her ."

"Yes, mother." Esmeray handed it over to Elva "I'm sorry Elva it's just something as rare as that is special it's just hard to believe that you would have it in your possession ."

"Yeah I guess I got kinda lucky with it," Elva responded

"Elva I've been meaning to ask for a while now but who is your father ??" Lucian asked

"I don't know I've never met him, Aderynn found me when I was a baby the dagger was attached to my blanket it's the only thing I had "

"So that's why you got upset when it disappeared ?"

"Yeah ."

"Anyways we should eat before the food gets cold "Drystan spoke up " I'm dying of hunger "

"Now that you mention it I'm pretty famished as well," Esmeray said

"Well then let's enjoy our meal, and afterward I was considering lending you some horses to help you get home, or at least to the next kingdom over so that way you don't end up sleeping on the cold hard ground again. "

Lucian's face lit up "you would do that ??"

"Of course I mean I'm not heartless although I have ripped a few out mine is still intact "

"Thank you!! " Lucian said

"However Lucian you must promise me one thing ."

"Anything you want you can have it !!"

Morana smiled "all you have to do is come to visit more I mean my poor children are lonely they have no friends "

"Mother !!" Esmeray said surprised
"I don't need friends I have my swords to keep me company. "

"I'm sure you do emy but you will soon be seventeen and you've already had such a lonely childhood I'm trying to make things better ."

"Please stop before you make things worse," Esmeray mumbled her face growing red

"Well I think it's a great idea especially since Emy will be embarrassed about it "

"That's not why I'm ...nevermind let's just eat, " Esmeray said becoming even redder

"Wow, this is delicious !!" Lucian said as his fork sank into his mashed potatoes collecting another bite.

"Yes our chef is the best in all of danixus"

"Aww come on Emy that's just putting it modestly I'd say he's the best in all of Veld !!" Drystan said as bits of food flew from his full mouth

"Ew Drystan you're getting food everywhere !!"

"Aaaah," he said opening his mouth wide exposing the rest of his food.

"Stop it" she moved her chair away from him

Elva laughed "Is this what siblings are like ?"

"No idea "

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