Episode 18

99 30 65

"Purely Educational", Elder Island

I deflected Anna's punch with my arm and moved to the right to avoid Lucas' attack.

"Good! Lucas, your balance is better and, Anna, your punches are more precise. Great job."

I had been sparring with the siblings in my studio for an hour. The noise of the rain against the windows was like a soft metronome punctuating our training.

"Maybe we can stop there for today," I said. "Next time, I will start to teach you Tai Chi. It could make you more aware of your movements, body posture, and your sense of space. What do you think?" Lucas smiled and Anna nodded enthusiastically. "Alright then."

"Where did you learn that?" Lucas asked.

"How to fight? Well, it has been a constant process all my life. My first real training was not long after my rebirth. Mine was to be a solitary life, a strange one and I had to be able to take care of myself. I learned some basics in terms of hand-to-hand fighting, and how to use a stick and a knife. Then I met different experts in the course of the centuries and they taught me their craft."

"Did you have to defend yourself often?"

"Sometimes. But there is something very special in martial arts. It was not about violence or fighting in itself, or even defending myself at some point. It was more a way to work on myself and my abilities, to enhance my sensitivity to my surroundings, to explore the significance of a movement. You will understand what I mean when we start Tai Chi."

"I can't wait."

Anna smiled at her brother and took their bags when I heard the doorbell. I took the stairs and opened the door but nobody was there. I looked to the right and to the left: nothing. However, a large brown envelope was on the floor, with, on the left corner, a coat of arms, representing the sun and a deer. Below, written in capital letters: We need to talk. I opened the envelope. There were several pictures of me, Aidan, and James.

"Everything's okay?" Anna asked. "Who was it?"

"It was the Council. They left that."

I showed them the pictures.

"What does that mean?"

"The Council is not rooting for our new friends."

"It's none of their business!"

"Well, they have a very specific idea of how I should live my life as an elder. That is one of the many reasons why I left the Council ages ago."

"What are you gonna do?" Lucas asked.

"For now, nothing. I will not be intimidated by some photos and a few words on a paper."

I stared at the empty street under the rain and closed the door behind me.

I stared at the empty street under the rain and closed the door behind me

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