Chapter 9.

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At the end of the week Isabella's friends where at the airport in leaving Gotham, of course Isabella was there in seeing them off along with Cori and his Aunt and Isabella's mother. What Isabella's mother didn't know was her friends help her move some items of her back to California and some of them with them, the same with Cori since he planned on moving in with Isabella on the same day she planned on moving back to California. Isabella made sure to post not only a goodbye post on her instagram but a short video of her friends saying goodbye to Gotham, not long after the group of friends left Cori showed Isabella a text when it was just the two of them in Cori's room at his house. The text said "End your relationship with Miss O'Day and you'll never half to worry about money again." The sender was unknown but seeing that message made her worry

"Your not going to take the offer are you?" Cori had put up his phone before he hugged her in his arms

"You accepted me for who I am besides my aunt. Now I have more people I can trust and understand me, of course I'm not taking the offer." Isabella started to tear up from happiness and that happiness ended when Cori tried to kiss her and she stopped him by putting her hand on his mouth when he was just an inch away from her mouth, that action confused Cori as he pulled himself away and looked confused.

"Even this won't let me kiss you on the lips?" Saying that Isabella looked a little worried as she answered him

"You think it might be possible not to kiss? I always found it gross in real life no matter what gender. I'm sorry." Isabella was worried that Cori would find it a problem like with her crazy ex, but instead of making it her problem Cori was calm and took both her her hands into his.

"Bella...Would you mind answering some questions. I think I might know why you don't like kissing?" Hearing that confused Isabella of course but she answered Cori's questions when the two sat on his bed.

"Have you ever been sexually attracted to anyone?" Isabella nods her head no in response before Cori asked her another question

"Okay..Do you want to have sex or engage in sexual practices in the future or near future?" Isabella looked away from Cori as she nod her head no and as her face started to turn red from embarrassment but Cori kept going.

"At some point when your married do you want to want sex to be a part of that relationship?"

"No...never." Was the verbal answer Cori got from Isabella then she looked back at Cori

"I always never pictures myself having sex with anybody it grosses me out to the core. The same thing with kissing, I'm alright with contact with a human being but that's pretty much it."

"Bella I think you might be asexual?" Hearing Cori say that surprised her, she was aware of the LGBTQ community and some of her friends where part of it but she hadn't heard that word before. The more Cori explained to her what it meant the more it made sense about herself, although she did keep quiet about her stash of yaoi manag's she kept hidden from her mom, she didn't feel comfortable telling him. Cori was happy about Isabella being asexual, it proved that she would never cheat on him and being loyal to him just like he was loyal to her.

When school came Isabella and Cori knew they had to do make up work for assignments they missed which they didn't mind in doing and saw coming, Isabella decided to wear her gothic military coord because she felt like it

When school came Isabella and Cori knew they had to do make up work for assignments they missed which they didn't mind in doing and saw coming, Isabella decided to wear her gothic military coord because she felt like it

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