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The next few days until Friday where a little different, Isabella and Cori's plans on graduating early where starting to take in motion. Isabella finally shown her real IQ after taking the tests that she needed to go threw 11th and 12th grade, when Friday came Isabella had graduated High School just like that proving her high intelligence. Cori wanted to do the same thing but he knew he didn't have Isabella's brains, however it didn't mean he wasn't going to give up either.

Word got around VERY fast about Isabella's sudden high intelligence and she finally decided to make a TV appearance to make a point, she did dress in her gothic lolita for the interview

Word got around VERY fast about Isabella's sudden high intelligence and she finally decided to make a TV appearance to make a point, she did dress in her gothic lolita for the interview

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She even wore the black wing necklace she had gotten with the coord, during the interview she spoke her mind and told why she hid her high intelligence. It did shock people but she knew people agreed with her in society looking down on the very high intelligent people for being targets, Isabella even told her really reason why she kept turning down interviews and they TV people where a little pissed off my her honest words. But the people that where watching couldn't help but laugh, some of those people where Bruce Wayne and his sons, during the week and ever since Isabella had gotten abduction there was extra protection for Isabella without her knowing it. They had figured out that the court of owls where the ones that abducted her and she made some type of deal for them to in protecting Dollar members from gangs that wanted information about their founder and where to find them, during her interview Isabella's friend Yuri had arrived in Gotham. Her arrival caused a little commotion Yuri went by another name when she models and is one of top and most beautiful models on the planet Lulu Young was her stage name, she knew her mission and heading to her location as Isabella finished her TV interview and heading to Wayne Enterprises in developing the nail polish and other date rape and drug detectors.

"Yuri." Isabella said Yuri's name with happiness and joy and Yuri had the same emotion with Isabella as she ran to her

"Bella.. my love." The two girls hugged each other upon contact but they both fell on the floor of the lab they where in and they both laughed at what had just happened to the two of them.

"You can really feel the friendship with these two." Bruce said that looking just as surprised as his employees seeing what had just happened, Yuri helped Isabella up off the ground as Isabella looked over at Bruce.

"Sorry about that we couldn't help ourselves. We haven't see one another since before I left California."

"I'm still surprised you know the famous model Lulu Young." Bruce said that while looking at Yuri that smiled to him

"Please call me Yuri Mr. Wayne. You and your sons have been so kind to our Dove since she came here to Gotham, I'm happy she choose you for this project." As Yuri was talking she held out a paper that had a formula on it

"Beats Lex Luthor, Bella was going to ask to go into a partnership with the guy for this project. Good thing she talked to you." Yuri walked over to one of the scientist and handed him the paper in which he took it

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