Chapter 45.

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Isabella couldn't be more happier now that Cori even if he was now in a different body his soul was still the exact same, she even had all of his things that where still in boxes quickly brought to the White House. Of course the two where sharing a room and everyone knew they weren't going to really do anything since Isabella was uncomfortable with sex, people where going crazy with thee engagement of Isabella and crowned Prince Ian De Cresensia of the sun kingdom. Of course her great Uncle heard about it and couldn't believe it. He's been trying to make peace with the Sun Kingdom but didn't have much luck he was revealed that the two kingdoms would soon be united with marriage, of course he knew about Cori and how much Isabella loved him when he was still alive. The Cresensia family where shocked that their crowned Prince proposed to Isabella O'Day in the first place and she accepted along with now living with her they heard how she kept rejecting marriage proposals and didn't mind Isabella joining the royal family, since they did know about the O'Day family and wanted to gain access to the ancient weapon vault full of magical weapons. They also knew that Isabella had the full qualities of leadership and proved it from different corners of the planet and bettering her nation and humanity her way.

"This is thee greatest gift I've ever gotten. I get you back." Isabella said that while hugging Cori's arm and leaning her head on his shoulder while the two where sitting underneath the garden from the back of the White House

"I'm not going to get better without Starlight." Was what Cori said to her after he kissed her free hand and held it lovingly in his and she answered him back

"And I wasn't going to be better without you. I actually believed you where shouting at god to send you back for a second chance, looks like I was half right."

"So you and Talia Al Ghul?" Hearing him say that surprised her but she sighed

"Blood Moon curse my soul is bonded to hers and hers to mine. It was by accident Ra's wanted his soul bonded to me, instead it choose me and his daughter." Isabella wanted to know about his new life and he told her all he'd done in Ian's body and what he had to deal with his new family, Isabella did laugh hearing what Ian was like and Cori being the complete opposite from a playboy like Prince Ian. Cori even suspected that Prince Ian's siblings knew that he wasn't there older brother because of his actions and leaving there home to live in America until he married, Ra's wasn't happy that Cori returned. Even worse that he knew magic from the new body he was in, he was the one that killed Cori in the first place. Ra's wasn't thee only one that wasn't happy with Cori's return, Bruce and all four of his sons where. Now it would be even harder in trying to get rid of him for the second time, Bruce wanted to even try winning Isabella's heart but now he couldn't and he wasn't alone Lex Luthor wanted too as well and after hearing that she got engaged to a Prince he knew he couldn't.

When Isabella's 18th birthday came she was so happy that the marriage proposals stopped, a lot of Isabella's friend and people that liked her gave her gifts. Even members of the Justice League gave her presents and even wished her a happy 18th birthday, they even congratulated the happy couple on there engagement at the White House where the party was celebrated. She did invite her mom and Cori's aunt was so happy seeing adopted son again even in a different body, King Orin was wearing a disguise when he arrived and even going as far as wearing contact lenses in hiding his eyes. King Orin gave his blessings to the couple and his kingdom believed in true love and clearly saw it with the two, the only happy thing about being the next queen was that she was going to spend it with the man she loved. She still could care less about being royalty and her opinion on high society was still the same as ever.

For the next three years things where crazy, like a roller coaster going up and down. Thanks to Isabella for the first time in US history, everything was nearly perfect, every state and city had the homeless problem delta with. A lot of food mainly meat was replaced with either plant based meat or insects, remaining meat was all organic and cruel free. A lot of factories did several farming that wouldn't cause green gas like with farming fish, algae and insect. Thanks to the algae and investing with a lot of food scientist, she was able to replace 50% of plastic water bottle into edible sphere with the algae even making edible cups and tableware that where biodegradable made out of wheat bran. Also a lot of Isabella's products earned her billions and her wealth had become greater than Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor combined and didn't care about that, global warming even started improving for the better. Isabella became very inspirational from a lot of corners of the planet mainly with young people that where around her age, there where still people that hated Isabella thanks to her oil became less valuable and her 'I can't believe it's not oil' only gave her more money and power along with getting rid of all the ocean oil rigs because of that. That only increased her alliance with Atlantic because of that, her rule in power she because of force be to reckoned with. She wanted to at least better humanity at a certain level and she got that, those that tried to take her down failed because of how many people where by her side and the type of people that protected her. There where kidnapping attempts from the people that hated her and thought that she had too much power, during her second year as President she did the impossible and that was bring peace between Israel and Palestine. Her secrete dressing in even more cuter lolita attire and getting both parties very high  her very special maharajah she grew and didn't let anyone besides her friends use the stuff back in California in her mansion, when they where both super high they both signed what she called ' It's obvious when you think about it accord' millions including the Al Ghul and the bat family couldn't believe Isabella even pulled it off. And her approval rating went up 100% she made such an impact she even became the face of a new money in the United States of the first twenty five dollar bill and even a dollar coin that was the size of the fifty cent coin, that wasn't all she was so loved and recognized as one of thee best presidents in the century she even had her face carved in Mt. Rushmore which hadn't been touched in over a hundred years. Of course Isabella was over the moon happy that she really left a mark in history that will always be remembered and couldn't believe her got her face carved in Mt.Rushmore, she wasn't only just recognized as an amazing leader but also an amazing artist. Wonder Women's mother was very impressed by the painting that was made for her and even more impressed when she met Isabella in person as was the rest of the amazons since they had never seen an albino before, Isabella even stay a little longer than she planned too an do a few paintings on the island which she was very proud of. Isabella even offered an alliance with Themescura when she took the throne of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Hippolyta surprisingly agreed to her.

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