Chapter 52

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Isabella knew she couldn't keep quiet about her pregnancy forever, she wanted to keep it a secrete to the public until after for coronation which had changed to much sooner into a month rather than next year. She did pay Dr.Thompkins several hundred thousand dollars half for herself and thee other half for her clinic, Isabella even asked is she would be her main Dr for her and her child in which she agreed.

 Returning back to the Crescent Moon Kingdom, yes her friends questioned and she told them the truth that she's a pregnant virgin. She even showed the copied papers Dr.Thompkins had given her, they where excited that Isabella was having her first kid and Isabella promised them they would be a part of her daughter's life as her aunts, uncles and even their kids as her cousins. Since they knew her plan they promised to keep things on the down low for the time being, Isabella's mom and great uncle where excited that Isabella was expecting a miracle child and a new heir so soon.

"I expected grandchildren from you until you where thirty." Was what Isabella's mother said to her as she was hugging her

"Well now you don't need to worry we where planning on doing the science method in a couple years but oh well, right now I need to practice for my coronation. I want to do something a little similar to my mini concert, I want to have a coronation my way and something different." Like before Isabella wanted to write and sing her own original song and had a deadline in completing it, she also needed help with setting a budget for the performance not to mention setting up the stage and settings and finding the right outfit to wear for the song she would be doing. Already a good chunk of her group where already started planning out Isabella's baby shower knowing that she was having a girl, the first thing she wanted to get finished first was writing another original song while managing the new islands at the same time. It would be tough but Isabella was up for a challenge.

Within the first week the star island that had the school was completed, both the Batfamily and the justice league where more than happy in safely testing things out in making sure everything would be okay for the future students. Not only did she want the students to manage there powers safely but she also wanted to give thee best education with meant hers and Yuki's online learning courses in person and useful knowledge that would help students as well, the position for Headmaster would be Yuki which she was honored in accepting such a task and making her dream a reality and Siri was more than happy in helping Yuki as the deputy headmaster. Isabella trusted the two with the whole island the League was even kind enough even put a teleporter in a secrete room behind the bookshelf of the headmaster office that was connected to the main island at the castle at the garden which was hidden in the large rose bush maze, another one of the islands that was complete was a special and first rehab facility for both mental and physical help for meda humans and nor hero's in general even those that don't have powers. For that island she put Sofie, Dawn and Couline in charge both girls where physic and can help with mental pain and Couline preferred more healing sorcery in helping life physically, the three where more than happy being equally incharge of such a place and like with the school there was also a teleporter hidden as well that was brought back to the castle but instead of the garden it was at the castle library.

"Man I'm not used to seeing you eating so much chocolate dove."Dillon said that to her dressed in formal ouju attire while Isabella was wearing more looses lolita attire but still kept the gothic theme she loved she was in the castle garden in the large shade sitting on one of the benches

"Dillon said that to her dressed in formal ouju attire while Isabella was wearing more looses lolita attire but still kept the gothic theme she loved she was in the castle garden in the large shade sitting on one of the benches

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