Chapter 36.

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Isabella was right about Jason Todd being nearby, he witness Isabella walking out of the hotel she was at and getting into an unknown car that he did follow to the closest airport where he did see Talia Al Ghul waiting at a privet jet. Of course he told Bruce about it seeing Isabella getting out of the car and the two of them walking into the jet with Isabella telling Talia that she can carry her own bags and didn't want any help, from inside the jet Isabella couldn't help but strike up a conversation with Talia as the two sat down. Isabella wanted to know a lot about her, Talia did answer her questions as the jet started taking off, Isabella didn't know why but the more the two talked the more she started getting more comfortable around Talia and Talia was starting to feel the same with Isabella but she knew it was due to their souls being bounded to each other without Isabella knowing about it.

The more the two talking the more the hours went by fast, before Isabella knew it she had arrived at the home of Ra's Al Ghul. She was surprised seeing the place looked like a palace upon getting out of the jet with Talia and seeing that it was still night time, Isabella was relieved by that so she wouldn't be worried about bright sunlight. Both Talia and Isabella where greeted by several of the men that worked under Ra's and greeted Isabella and bowed to her with respect and that made her a little uncomfortable and sighed with disappointment, seeing that action did confuse the men a little bit as Isabella was talking she pinch between her eyes.

"Please, don't do the formal crap with me. I don't like that, I prefer being treated as an equal if yawl don't mind that is?"

"You really don't like being treated like royalty?" Talia said that to Isabella as she stopped pinching between her eyes and looked a the women that dismissed the assassin's for her as the two started heading inside the building, from inside the place looks like how Isabella pictured it. It screamed wealth and she wasn't that impressed by it, it was nice and fancy but it didn't faze her that much. Isabella was escorted to what appeared to be a study room while one of the servants took her suitcase Isabella was about to protest when Talia stopped her as she opened the door for her.

"Please enter, you'll have your questions answered." Her saying that calmed Isabella and she went into the room without Talia following her and instead she closed the door when Isabella entered the room, Isabella did walk more feather in the room seeing what was inside and it was indeed a type of study room seeing all the bookshelves. When she turned a corner and saw the fireplace she was shocked at what she was looking at what was above it, what was a above the fireplace was a painting of a women in her early twenties that looked just like Isabella but her skin wasn't albino. It really shocked Isabella that the women even had the exact same eyes as her, Isabella felt like she was looking at a mirror staring at the painting in aw, thinking why the women looked so much like her. When when she noticed the golden crescent moon forehead piece on the women she heard a familiar voice.

"Eulalia Moon is the name of the women in the portrait." Isabella couldn't help but turn around and seeing Ra's Al Ghul walking up to Isabella and be continued speaking to her

"She was the former Queen of the Crescent Moon Kingdom and your great grandmother." Hearing those last two words shocked Isabella that made her look back at the painting

"My great grandmother?...I'm shocked she looks just like me? Guess I get my looks from my father's side?" While talking Isabella looked back up at Ra's Al Ghul and questioned him

"Why do you have this painting of her? What was she too you?" While answering her question Ra's looked back at the painting

"The true love of my life, I fell in love with her. But when I did she fell in love with your great grandfather instead and then took the throne as was her birth right as the only heir."

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