Chapter 51.

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When Isabella asked her friends where the glowing gold phoenix came from after the performance was over and at the back stage they where just as confused as she was, some the justice league members including Bruce and his family where there in a type of security along with the league of shadows and she asked them if any of them knew and she had gotten the same answer from them. What surprised a lot of people including Cori was that Isabella was able to sing in the first place, though Isabella didn't have time to explain since she was on a tight scheduled in arriving to the Crescent Moon kingdom in time.

next day..

Isabella and her party arrived at the Crescent Moon Kingdom around close to mid morning where King Orin and Isabella's mother and Cori's aunt where waiting for them as the jet landed, upon getting out Isabella hugged her mom and Cori hugged his adopted mother and the two where happy to be with each other again despite Cori being in a different body.

"If it's alright I have a few things I want to do until my coronation." Isabella said that to her great uncle after she stopped hugging him and he said to her

"I have a feeling on what those things are, with the aid of Poison Ivy we where able to finish those star islands you wants in time."

"Alright..lets get started." Was what Isabella said cheerfully, Isabella wanted to completed the main important star islands that she had planned out before she got married. The closest island to was to be the type of school for kids and teenagers that where meda humans in giving them a second chance and setting there own goals, she also wanted to try her way in stopping meda human trafficking. She also wanted that location to be one of the islands for her plan in hoping to open the planet and the Crescent Moon Kingdom being the first nation in welcoming other lifeforms off planet, with the Justice League and thee outsider's aid alongside with the people of Atlantic construction for both land and see went pretty smoothly. One of the more smaller islands was her for own personal use, in blowing off steam she decided to open her own boulesque club. Of course her friends had full use of it in blowing off steam as well, the rest of thee islands where either for training use, use for the royal family, the Dollars and even those off planet that want to live on earth with Isabella's protection.

During the first week of the construction Isabella still had those headaches and motion sickness, she also started having strange cravings for chocolate that her friends started noticing. Isabella started noticed her sense of smell had gotten stronger which she found odd,to her breast suddenly gotten a little more bigger. In fact her systems where too odd for her that she ended up going to the doctors, she didn't trust the royal doctors to her they seemed a little out of date which was another reason why she also wanted to improve the medical care in the kingdom after her rule so she decided to go a little modern and that doctor happened to be a Dollar themselves. Isabella couldn't go to just any doctor, she would talk to Ra's but she left it was a little weird if she asked him. She remembered the doctor Bruce Wayne had and she went to her which meant a secrete trip to Gotham.

"Thanks for meeting me at such short notice Dr. Thompkins." Isabella said that after she arrived in her office and taking off her disguise and Dr. Thompkins smiled to her as Isabella sat down on the patient table.

"I'm quite honored that you came to see me." As Isabella smiled back she answered her

"Well Bruce trusts you, I don't see why I can't?" Her saying that surprised Dr.Thompkins and Isabella just smiled to her as the doctor sighed with understanding

"So you know then...what seems to be bothering you?"

"I'm not really sure? At a few weeks ago I started getting these weird pains in the back of my neck, I've used patches but they don't work. My sense of smell has gotten really strong and I started having these strange cravings for chocolate." As Isabella was talking about her symptoms Dr.Thompkins was writing it down on her clipboard

"It's beccaria sign, it'll be gone by your third trimester." Isabella was confused by what she said as she said to her

"Oh no I'm not in school anymore, a lot of people know that."

"Neither is your fetus?" Dr.Thompkins said that after she was done writing and she looking at Isabella who was even more confused

"I'm sorry...what are you talking about?" Her saying that caught Dr.Thompkins attention even more

"You didn't know your pregnant?"

" Lady what makes you think I'm pregnant?" Isabella had never been so confused before and the doctor was acting calm as she explained to her

"The headaches,  you missing your period. Throwing you the strange cravings and sense of smell..." Isabella then interrupted her

"But I'm a virgin and asexual, my fiancee loves me so much he respects my sexuality. There's got to be some sort of other reason is there?" After saying that Dr.Thompkins left the room

"I'll be right back Miss O'Day." Right when she left the room she got out her phone and called Cori who imminently answered her

"Are you alright?" Isabella didn't answered at first and then she did

"No...the doctor said I'm....pregnant."

"Pregnant? You can't be pregnant your a virgin." instantly Isabella answered him

"That's what I told her, I think you might want to come down here and see this for yourself."

"Yay, I'll be right over." Was what Cori's last words to her before he hung up and Isabella texted him the address, of course everyone was worried and Cori told them what Isabella told him and they where all just as confused and agreeing she couldn't be pregnant. Word spread a little to to certain people as Cori was heading back to America and to Gotham,word made it's way to Ra's who was just as surprised and confused as Isabella and the rest. He had a few of his men guarding her when she entered Gotham and heard the news, it took Cori around five hours arriving to Gotham in disguise as well. By the time Cori showed up at Dr.Thompkins office she had returned with the results in her hand

"I've been waiting for five hours?" Was what Isabella said and Cori spoke out to her

"So am I a father or not?"

"No." Was the one word that the doctor said as she closed the door and she continued speaking

"But she also didn't cheat on you either." Cori was taken a back by that answer and Isabella was even more confused as Dr.Thompkins spoke with a serious look on her face

"Normally sperm meets egg, DNA meets DNA goes back to place cells divide and nine months later a child. That's normal." As she was still talking she looked at her papers

"Abnormally an egg could have two naturally occurring gene mutations that don't naturally accurate together. Spontaneous calcium spike could prep thee egg for fertilization without sperm division, you let thee egg put up without needing any male DNA at all." As she spoke she looked directly at Isabella

"Parthenogenesis, a baby without a father. In humans it's only been theorized but never proven....until now." Dr.Thompkins showed her papers showing identical matches

"Mother, baby. Your daughter had only maternal DNA I personally checked this five times." Cori was shocked hearing those words as was Isabella that couldn't believe it either as Dr.Thompkins continued talking

"In about eight months you will have the first real documented royal virgin birth." Cori couldn't help but covering his mouth from the shocked and Isabelle herself was flabbergasted

"Congratulations." Was the last thing she said before she left the room, Cori and Isabella looked at each other at first and Isabella held her hand over her stomach and couldn't believe she a really pregnant virgin.....           

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