Chapter 44.

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With Dick's efforts in winning Isabella over...he lost but lasted a little longer than Tim. Up next was Jason and he wasn't much of a romantic type, but he did things his own way. When Isabella got better from her stress sickness she had made her treaty meeting with the people of Atlantic and she didn't make it public to the surface. but she told Aquaman that she was the next ruler of the Crescent Moon Kingdom before hand. That agreement was and alliance with her and not thee United States and that alliance would be moved to the Crescent Moon Kingdom once she took the throne, Aquaman agreed to ally with a future president after her if it where one of her friends that one the next elections. Isabella didn't know Atlantic had an alliance with the Crescent Moon Kingdom, which was a win for her.

When Autumn came around Instead of being happy for her 18th birthday she was very nervous, she was a few months away for being legal for the world, over the few months as President she really changed America. The homeless problem was taken care off across the nation, she finally perfected and released her alcoholess drink products thus stopping alcohol abuse and drunk driving for the first time in US history. Not just America but other countries that worked with her in making the drinks and increasing her enemy list with those with the alcohol empire, the more Isabella solved some main problems with humanity the more enemies she made. With her success she was able to get several more stops in the genius world records, she was happy to be in genius and earned it far and happy she would inspire people after she was gone and planned on being remembered for a very very long time. The enemies kept going after her legalized marinara thus getting even more enemies from drug trading from more illegal drugs, she even announced that she eats and makes her own edibles to keep her from getting too stressed and dealing with all the work she had to too and marinara helps her. 

With all the fame Isabella still had time for her art mainly her passion for painting, with her free time for her work she was able to open her own art gallery that had her paintings in it. It wasn't just her, some of her friends where artist and but there works in her gallery as well in not wanting them feeling left out. She even made copies of Cori's photos from the art contest from Gotham and hung them in the gallery and kept the original ones, when the gallery opened of course it was storming with people that wanted to see Isabella's art and a lot didn't know that she was an artist and where super impress in just how good an artist she was. Even thee artist the did her portrait of 'Pale O'Day' came to the gallery in support of her and even offered her to put some of his work in her gallery which she didn't mind, Isabella also didn't mind doing an art auction for some pieces from her and her friends sure enough everything was sold and they became even richer. As a special gift to Atlantic Isabella did a special painting for Aquaman and his wife and she made sure to use special paint for it to survive in sea water and had painting Aquaman's mother in her own version, Isabella had the image of his mother when she asked about his parents she even signed it for him along with the current year on it. Of course Aquaman was grateful and happy for such a gift from her and was impressed by just how good an artist she was upon seeing the painting and wasn't aware that she even was an artist, to Isabella surprise word among the Justice League got around and Wonderwoman asked her for a painting for her mother Queen Hippolyta in which Isabella accepted her request.

The people that worked for the government that wasn't that fond of the Justice League had started being enemies with Isabella, yes she was doing an amazing job with leading their nation at such a young age but they didn't like her being so friendly and accepting  to the League the way she was. A lot couldn't believe she formed alliance with the people of Atlantic, they couldn't bring there own people in the White House in spying on her. Since she really boosted up with security and found out that some of the people she invited where very skilled with computers, but they didn't know Isabella was extremely knowledgeable with computers and had created a special firewall in blocking out any rakers from people trying to get in there data. Also because of the type of connection Isabella had those people couldn't even touch her, some tried finding dirt of her but didn't find anything that they could use against her. She openly announced that she was a part of the LGBTQ community and openly said she uses edibles and how it helped her not being to overly stressed, all the money she had she earned nor was it dirty money. They wanted to try any means getting rid of Isabella even if it meant getting dirty.

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